An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-108 ★ INDEX

influenza, 768
Ingersoll, Robert G. (1833–1899), 632
initiative and referendum, 717
innovations, technological, 608
In re Debs, 656
Insular Cases, 686
national health, 837, 858, 882, 920, 922,
925, 934, 997, 1077, 1120, 1136, 1138
unemployment, 837, 846, 847, 850, 959,
unions and, 934, 960
integration, see race, racism, integration
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs),
Interior Department, U.S., 826
International Church of the Foresquare
Gospel, 835
International Convention Against Torture,
International Harvester, 609
internationalism, black, 889, 897–98
International Labor Defense, 854–55
International Ladies’ Garment Workers
Union, 692
International League for Human Rights,
International Longshoremen’s Association,
International Monetary Fund, 901, 1081
Internet, 835, 1081, 1082–83, 1119, 1147
in elections of, 2008, 1110
Interstate Commerce Act (1887), 638
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC),
633, 726, 986
Interstate Highway System, 948
intervention, era of U.S., 737–42
Iowa, 759, 810, 1121
IQ tests, 759, 789
Iran, 908–9, 963, 965, 1009, 1038, 1044,
1048, 1050, 1066, 1097, 1113
American hostages in, 1050–52, 1051 ,
nuclear energy program of, 1146
television and American hostages in,
Iran-Contra affair, 1066–67, 1068
Iraq, 774, 1066, 1113, 1114–15, 1153
economic sanctions on, 1074
in Gulf War, 1073–74
ISIS in, 1146
militias in, 1116

income inequality, 1151
income taxes, see taxes, income
India, 616, 651, 768, 774, 898, 901, 903,
917, 963, 978, 1013, 1086, 1154
immigrants from, 1087, 1091, 1092
jobs exported to, 1120
loss of U.S. jobs to, 1120
Indiana, 994, 1135
anticommunist law in, 931
Ku Klux Klan, 803
Indian Affairs Committee, 625
Indiana University, 919
Indian New Deal, 848
Indian radicalism, 715
Indian removal, 614
see also Native Americans
Indian Reorganization Act (1934), 848
“Indians of All Tribes,” 1019
individualism, 643, 703, 953, 955, 956, 1112
Indonesia, 869, 962, 963, 1110
industrial production, 846
industrial revolution, 605
“second,” 605–13
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW),
706–8, 709, 714, 748, 754, 769, 770,
771, 796, 830, 832
industry, 887, 890
African-Americans in, 855–56, 895
in California, 785
child labor and, 695
decline in, 1046
Depression and, 846–47
Fordism and, 702
freedom and, 704–5
immigration and, 698
New Deal and, 858
in New York, 692
Populists and, 656
post-World War I, 769–70
post-World War II, 943, 947
in Progressive era, 692–93, 695, 716
rise of, 736
scientific management in, 704
in South, 660, 846–47, 874–75, 960
women in, 879–80
World War II and, 873, 874–75, 878–79
see also manufacturing; market revolu-
tion; specific industries
infant mortality, 1151
inflation, 911, 1043, 1045, 1046 , 1048,
1052, 1062, 1063
Influence of Sea Power Upon History, The
(McMahon), 679

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