An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-110 ★ INDEX

Kaufman, Irving (1910–1992), 930
Keating-Owen Act (1916), 731
Kefauver, Estes (1903–1963), 977
Kelley, Abby (1810–1887), 589, 1016
Kelley, Florence (1859–1932), 720–21, 747,
Kelley, William D. (1814–1890), 720
Kennan, George (1904–2005), 909, 916
Kennedy, Anthony (1936–), 1126, 1127,
Kennedy, Jacqueline (1929–1994), 979–80
Kennedy, John F. (1917–1963), 989, 997,
1023, 1121
assassination of, 991–92, 991 , 1006
in campaign of 1960, 979–80, 1030
civil rights and, 991–92
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 990–91
in debates with Nixon, 980, 1105
desegregation and, 986, 987
inaugural address of, 989
Native Americans and, 1019
space race and, 979
Vietnam and, 1006
Kennedy, Robert F. (1925–1968), 991
assassination of, 1025
Kennedy administration, 987 , 989–92
Kent State University, 1039, 1039
Kenya, 963
terrorist attack in, 1106
Kenyatta, Jomo (1894–1978), 898
Kerner, Otto (1908–1976), 1000
Kerner Report, 1000
Kerouac, Jack (1922–1969), 967
Kerr, Clark (1911–2003), 946
Kerry, John (1943–), 1121
Key, David M. (1824–1900), 600
Keynes, John Maynard (1883–1946), 810,
822–23, 844–45, 882
Keynesian economics, 845, 882, 1052
Khmer Rouge, 1039
Khomeini, Ayatollah (1900–1989), 965,
Khrushchev, Nikita (1894–1971), 941–42,
942 , 962, 990
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929–1968), 655,
969, 970, 975–76, 1000–1001, 1008,
1018, 1048, 1136, 1140, 1144
assassination of, 1025, 1025
Birmingham campaign and, 986–87
FBI wiretaps on, 991
Malcolm X and, 1001
March on Washington and, 988
Montgomery boycott and, 975

Johnson, Andrew (1808–1875) (continued)
impeachment of, 584–85
Reconstruction policies of, 573, 576,
579–84, 587
Johnson, Hiram (1866–1945), 717
Johnson, Hugh S. (1871–1938), 825
Johnson, Lyndon (1908–1973), 977,
992–99, 1010, 1024, 1059
in campaign of 1960, 979
civil rights and, 992–93, 997–98, 1000
Dominican Republic and, 1007–8, 1009
in election of 1964, 993–94
Great Society and, 997–99
Native Americans and, 1019
Vietnam and, 1006–8
Johnson-Reed Act, see Immigration Act (1924)
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1074
Jones, Jim (1931–1978), People’s Temple
and, 1014
Jones, Mary “Mother” (1830–1930), 709
Jones, Samuel “Golden Rule” (1846–1904),
Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., 1022
Joseph, Chief (1840–1904), 621–24
Joyce, James (1882–1941), 796, 798
JPMorgan Chase, 1084, 1133
JR, 1123
Judeo-Christian heritage, 953–54
Jungle, The (Sinclair), 696
juries, African-Americans and, 855
Justice Department, U.S., 754, 906, 1059,
1119, 1142
Civil Liberties Unit, 856
civil rights and, 1065
Radical Division of, 771
Just Say No campaign, 1065
juvenile delinquency, 967

Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation,
Kallen, Horace (1882–1974), 806, 815
Kanab, Utah, 721
Kansas, 615
agriculture in, 785
black migration to, 661–62, 662
in Dust Bowl, 827
population of, 694
woman suffrage in, 655
Kansas City, Mo., 646
Kansas Pacific Railroad, 617
Katrina, Hurricane, 1122–23, 1122 , 1127
and African-Americans, 1122–23
death toll from, 1122

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