An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-113

oaths, 754, 892, 931, 932
program (review system), 928–29, 933, 934
Loyalty Day, 758
LSD, 1012, 1012
Luce, Henry (1898–1967), 880–81, 917
Lucy, Autherine, 978
Ludlow, Colo., strike in, 708–9
Ludlow Massacre, 708–9, 786
Luke, William (1831–1870), 595–96
LULAC (League of United Latin American
Citizens), 972
LULAC News, 888
lumber, 617–18, 717, 727, 729, 785, 875,
Lumberton, N.C., 831
Lundeen, Ernest (1878–1940), 847
Lusitania, 743–44
Lynch, James D. (1839–1872), 565, 590
lynchings, 666–68, 667 , 754, 763, 764, 765,
767, 796, 803, 850, 893, 895, 924,
925, 976
antilynching legislation and, 850, 851,
855, 894, 897, 924, 925
in Canada, 668
of Jews, 803
Lynd, Helen (1896–1982), 790
Lynd, Robert (1892–1970), 790
lyrical left, 712

MacArthur, Douglas (1880–1964), 813, 912,
915–16, 915 , 957
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 836
McCain, John (1936–), 1008, 1135
McCarran Internal Security Act (1950), 919,
McCarran Internal Security Bill, 933
McCarran-Walter Act (1952), 933
McCarthy, Eugene (1916–2005),
McCarthy, Joseph R. (1908–1957), 928,
930, 933, 936
McCarthy era, 752, 928–29, 930–31, 935,
965, 969, 1021
McCarthyism, 928–29, 930–31, 935, 965,
969, 1119
and homosexuality, 929, 1017
McClure’s Magazine, 695, 729
McCormick Company, 645
McDonald’s, 948, 1139
McGovern, George (1922–), 1041
machismo, 1019
McKay, Claude (1890–1948), 808, 809

“Literacy, Land, and Liberation,” 590
Lithuania, 772, 901
Little, Frank (1880–1917), 754
Little, Malcolm, see Malcolm X
Little Bighorn, Battle of, 624
Little Gray Home in the West, The (song),
Little Rock, Ark., integration in, 969, 978
Livermore, Mary (1820–1905), 588
Living Wage, A (Ryan), 703
Lloyd, Henry Demarest (1847–1903), 611
Lloyd George, David (1863–1945), 771, 772
Lloyd’s of London, 813
business, 790, 883
special interest, 630
Lochner v. New York, 639, 723
Locke, Alain (1885–1954), 765
Lockheed, 895
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902–1985), 776
London, 898, 900
London, Meyer (1871–1926), 706
Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman), 966
Long, Huey (1893–1935), 833–34, 834 , 835
Long Island, N.Y., 944, 951
Long Telegram, 909, 916
Look, 949
Looking Backward (Bellamy), 641, 643
Los Alamos, N.Mex., 930
Los Angeles, Calif., 854, 874, 945–46,
homelessness in, 1063
Mexicans in, 1091, 1092
1992 riots in, 1097
oil discovered in, 617
pollution in, 980–81
population of, 785
water needs of, 727
Watts riot in, 1000
zoot suit riots in, 887
Los Angeles Dodgers, 951
Lost Cause mythology, 668–69
Lost Generation, 797
Louisiana, 834, 834
BP oil spill and, 1137
Gulf Coast of, 1122
illiteracy in, 659
Plessy v. Ferguson and, 664–65, 665
voting rights in, 664
Loving, Richard and Mildred, 1022, 1022
Loving v. Virginia, 1022, 1022
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence (1856–1943), 780
Loyal Publication Society, 748

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