An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-118 ★ INDEX

Goldwater and, 994
Great Society and, 997, 998
housing and, 828–29
Johnson and, 991
legacy of, 821, 858–59
libertarians and, 955
McCarthyism and, 933
Mexican immigrants and, 848–49, 849
OWI and, 877–78
Popular Front and, 853, 854
Progressivism and, 755
Reagan and, 1058
roads in, 826
Second, 835–38, 841, 874
in South, 846–47
Supreme Court and, 829–30, 841
Theodore Bilbo and, 851
Truman and, 922, 933
wages and, 833
West and, 826, 827, 849
women and, 845–46
work projects in, 821, 826, 858
“New Deal coalition,” 841, 1032, 1034,
New Democracy, The (Weyl), 761
New Democrats, 1048
New Empire, The (Brooks Adams), 688
New England:
deindustrialization in, 784
industrial revolution in, 605
Puritan emigration to, 1098
strikes in, 831
New Federalism, 1032
New Freedom, 730–31
New Hampshire, 1025, 1121
New Harmony, Ind., 1013
New Immigration, The, 697
New Jersey, 730
New Left, 984, 1003, 1009, 1013, 1014
New Mexico, 618, 899, 1098, 1121
agriculture in, 785
New Mexico territory, 614
New Nationalism, 730–31, 747, 762
“New Negro,” 809
New Negro, The (Locke), 765
New Orleans, La., 593, 787, 875
dockworkers strike in, 708
and Hurricane Katrina, 1121–22, 1122
population of, 875
Reconstruction riot in, 584
Newport, R.I., 612
New Republic, 704, 725, 747, 755, 840,
883, 906

Native Americans (continued)
population of, 613
poverty and, 1098
poverty rates of, 1141
progressivism and, 714–15
Puritans and, 1098
removal of, 605, 727, 854, 918
as Rough Riders, 682
slavery and, 1098
“termination” and, 1019
treaty system and, 624
tribalism attacked, 625–27
westward expansion of U.S. and, 613–14
World War II and, 886, 887–90
see also Indian removal
nativism, 805, 810, 885, 1148
NATO, see North Atlantic Treaty
Naturalization Act (1790), 803
Navajos, 848
“code-talkers” of, 887
Naval Academy, U.S., 1048
Navy, U.S., 903
African-Americans in, 896
segregation, 764, 893
Nazi Party, 822, 865, 867, 877, 878 , 883,
885, 887, 893, 894, 897, 899, 900,
903, 907, 919, 920
NBC Symphony Orchestra, 865
Nebraska, 615, 626, 790, 793, 807
population of, 694
Negro Leagues, 924
Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889–1964), 963
Nelson, Laura, 667
Nelson, L. D., 667
neoconservatives, 1052–53
Neolin, 627
Netherlands, 867
Neutrality Acts, 866
Nevada, 927, 1135
Sagebrush Rebellion and, 1057, 1060–61
Newark, N.J., riot in, 1000
New Deal, 572, 657, 724, 770, 818–60,
863, 868, 880, 881, 884, 897, 903,
926, 927, 954, 959, 984, 995, 1003,
1028, 1049, 1085, 1137
African-Americans and, 846–47, 849, 998
agriculture and, 826–28, 847, 848–49,
Eisenhower and, 959, 960, 1032, 1078
end of, 857–59, 876
Father Coughlin and, 834
First, 825–30

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