An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-127

Ryan, John A. (1869–1945), 703, 839
Ryan, Paul D. (1970–), 1149

Saar Basin, 772
Sacco, Nicola (1891–1927), 779–80, 780
Saddam Hussein (1937–2006), 1073–74,
1114, 1117
and weapons of mass destruction,
1114–15, 1117
Sagebrush Rebellion, 1056–57, 1060–61
Saginaw, Mich., 856
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 650
Salinger, J. D. (1919–), 966
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks),
1038, 1050, 1051
San Antonio Independent School District v.
Rodriguez, 1035
San Bernardino, Calif., terrorist attack in,
San Bernardino Valley, Calif, 946
San Diego, Calif., 1087
Sandinistas, 795, 1050, 1066
Sandino, Augusto César (1895–1934), 795
Sandy Hook Elementary School, 1152
San Fernando Valley, Calif., 946
San Francisco, Calif., 612, 717, 874, 895,
1012, 1012 , 1017, 1082, 1097–98
Beats in, 967, 968
bread lines in, 813
immigration to, 697, 698
manufacturing and trading in, 617
strike in, 831
U.N. conference in, 902
water needs of, 727
San Francisco Bay, 1019
San Francisco Chronicle, 911
Sanger, Margaret (1883–1966), 713–14,
714 , 751
San Jose, Calif., 1046
San Juan, P.R., 952
San Juan Hill, 681–82
Santiago, Cuba, 681
Sarajevo, Serbia, 742
Saturday Evening Post, 862, 877
Saturday Night Massacre, 1042
Saudi Arabia, 1001, 1073, 1074, 1097,
1106, 1127, 1146
savings and loans associations, 1064
Savio, Mario (1942–1996), 1005
scalawags, 593
Scalia, Antonin (1936–), 1127
Scandinavia, 867
socialism in, 706

First New Deal and, 822–30
Four Freedoms and, 861–62, 864 ,
876–77, 903, 954
freedom and, 839–40, 861–62, 864 , 893,
Hitler and, 865, 867, 886
on housing, 829
Japanese American internment and, 891
pluralism and, 884
and polio, 822
Second New Deal and, 835–38
and South, 858
U.S.-Soviet relations and, 908
and West, 820
World War II strategy of, 871
see also New Deal
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858–1919), 646,
719, 726 , 738 , 747, 822, 841, 1076
African-Americans and, 762
Asian-Americans and, 761
as conservationist, 729
and corporations, 725
Panama Canal and, 737–39
as Progressive candidate, 729, 823
as Progressive president, 725–28
as Rough Rider, 681–82
U.S. government regulatory power and,
World War I and, 744
Roosevelt Corollary, 739
Rosenberg, Ethel (1915–1953), 930
Rosenberg, Julius (1918–1953), 930
Rosie the Riveter, 879
Ross, Nellie Taylor, 722
Ross, Thomas J., 576–77
Rough Riders, 681–82
Royal Air Force, 867
rubber, 676, 782, 874, 948
Ruef, Abraham (1864–1936), 717
Rumsfeld, Donald, 1114
Rural Electrification Agency, 835–36
Russia, 698, 773
Iran and, 1146
Iraq War and, 1116
in World War I, 742, 743
see also Soviet Union
Russian immigrants, 669, 696
Russian Revolution, 744, 754, 768, 769,
770, 771, 799
Russo-Japanese War, 737
Rustin, Bayard (1910–1987), 1000
Ruth, Babe (1895–1948), 783
Rwanda, genocide in, 1079, 1080

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