An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-129

Sioux, 621, 624
in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, 629
Sirica, John J. (1904–1992), 1042
Sister Carrie (Dreiser), 695–96
Sisterhood is Powerful!, 1017
sit-down strike, 832
sit-ins, 983–84, 985, 1001
Sitting Bull (ca. 1831–1890), 621, 624
in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, 629
Six-Day War, 1079
Sixteenth Amendment, 728
“Sixties, The,” 1003, 1017, 1019 , 1020,
activism in, 1014–16
legacy of, 1027–28
Skilling, Jeffrey, 1084
slacker raids, 754
Slaughterhouse Cases (1873), 598
slavery, 896, 898, 921, 1092, 1131
arguments in favor of, 635
Indians and, 1098
South as affected by, 668
in West, 614
see also abolition movement
slaves, emancipated, 564–74, 567 , 591
Andrew Johnson and, 579
Second New Deal and, 836
suffrage and, 565, 568–69, 583, 585
slave trade, 898
Slavs, Nazi extermination of, 873
Sloan, John (1871–1951), 695
Smalls, Robert (1837–1915), 591
Smith, Adam (1723–1790), 1132
Smith, Alfred E. (1873–1974), 810
Protestants and, 810–11
Smith, Margaret Chase, McCarthy and,
931, 936–37
Smith, Matthew (1810–1879), 613
Smith Act (1940), 856
Smithsonian Institution, 621
Smith v. Allwright, 896
Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930), 815
SNCC, see Student Non-Violent Coordinat-
ing Committee
Snowden, Edward, 1147
Social Darwinism, 635–36, 641, 647
Social Gospel, 644, 657, 1013
socialism, 705–7, 708, 714, 794, 796, 798,
801, 813, 822, 830, 833, 921, 933,
963, 1004, 1026, 1086
capitalism vs., 729, 853
in Chicago, 645
Communist Party and, 853

and public officials, 1102–3
women’s rights and, 712–13, 787–89,
949, 1014, 1016
sexism, 1016
Sex Side of Life, The (Dennett), 798
sexual harassment, 1102
sexual politics, 1016
sexual revolution, 1009, 1012, 1024,
1036–37, 1052, 1099
Seymour, Horatio (1810–1886), 585
Shame of the Cities, The (Steffens), 695
“shape up” system, 831
sharecropping, 574, 575 , 576–77, 593, 651,
767, 839, 847 , 851, 853, 944
in Great Depression, 827
New Deal and, 836
Share Our Wealth, 834, 835
Sharon, Conn., 994
Sharon Statement, 994
Sheeler, Charles (1883–1965), 786
Sheen, Fulton J. (1895–1979), 953
sheep farming, 618–19
Sheppard-Towner Act (1921), 788
Sheridan, Philip H. (1831–1888), 621
Sherman, William T. (1820–1891), 564–65,
566, 572, 590, 988
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 633, 638,
725, 728
see also monopolies; trusts, business
Shiite Muslims, 1116
European, 959
in South, 943
in World War II, 879
shopping, 946
Siam, see Thailand
Sicily, invasion of, 871
Siegfried, André (1875–1959), 784
Sierra Club, 727, 1020
“Significance of the Frontier in American
History, The” (F.J. Turner), 613
Silent Protest Parade, 767
Silent Spring (Carson), 1003, 1020
Silicon Valley, 1082
corporate mining of, 618
as currency, 657
Simmons, Isaac (d. 1944), 893
Sinclair, Upton (1878–1968), 696, 747, 796,
Singer Sewing Machines, 679
Singleton, Benjamin “Pap” (1809–1892),

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