An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-132 ★ INDEX

Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign
Missions, 679
construction of, 943
in World War I, 742, 744
in World War II, 869, 871
“subprime” mortgages, 1129, 1132
minorities and, 1129–32
subtreasury plan, 652, 656
suburbs, 966, 981, 1015, 1035, 1052, 1058,
1087, 1135, 1151
“blockbusting” and, 952
highways and, 948 , 960
Latinos in, 1087
rise of, 782, 944, 948–49, 948
as segregated, 950–53, 969
Sudan, 1094
Sudetenland, 865
Suez Canal, 964
suffrage, see voting rights
in Cuba, 990
in Hawaii, 680
plantations, see planters, plantations,
in Puerto Rico, 952
suicide rate, Great Depression and, 812
Sullivan, Timothy “Big Tim,” 716
Sumner, Charles (1811–1874), 581, 586,
587, 756
Sumner, William Graham (1840–1910),
Sunday, Billy (1862–1935), 800, 800
Sunni Muslims, 1116
Sunshine and Shadow in New York (Smith),
Sun Yat-Sen, 715
Superman, 967
supply and demand, law of, 635
supply-side economics, 1048, 1064, 1110
Supreme Court, U.S., 586, 589, 598, 600,
626, 638–39, 656, 665, 672, 686,
704, 723, 725, 726, 728, 780, 791,
793, 797, 798, 806, 807, 932, 1022 ,
1042, 1053, 1057, 1059, 1065, 1096,
abortion and, 1024, 1055, 1100–1101
affirmative action and, 1035–36
African-American rights and, 764, 896
Brown v. Board of Education and, 971,
972–73, 977
and campaign contributions, 1150
civil liberties and, 797–99, 856, 977

Stevenson, Adlai (1900–1965), 935, 958, 958
Stewart, Alexander T. (1803–1876), 613
Stewart, William (1827–1909), 581
Stieglitz, Alfred (1864–1946), 695
Stimson, Henry (1867–1950), 874, 896, 899
stock market, 781, 786, 811, 824, 1063,
1083–84, 1129, 1134, 1142
Stone, Lucy (1818–1893), 589
Stonewall Inn, police raid on, 1018
Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT),
Strategic Defense Initiative, 1065
Straus, Jack (1900–1985), 946
Stride Toward Freedom (King), 976
Strike, The (Koehler), 640
strikes, 590, 633, 638, 706, 707–9, 768–69,
787, 922–23, 1025, 1025 , 1062
of air traffic controllers, 1062
in Arizona, 754
in Boston, Mass., 769, 791
in colleges, 1039
of cowboys, 617
in Depression, 831–33, 831
in Detroit, Mich., 893
in France, 1026
in Homestead, Pa., 649–50, 676
in Lawrence, Mass., 708
in Ludlow, Colo., 708–9
McCormick Company and, 645
mining and, 656, 754
in New Orleans, La., 708
in New York, N.Y., 692, 707–9, 708
in 1934, 831
in Paterson, N.J., 708
in Pennsylvania, 726
Pullman, 656, 676
railroad, 639, 640 , 644, 791
rights and, 731
in Seattle, Wash., 769
sit-down, 832
steel, 769–70, 770 , 960
suppression of, 791
wildcat, 960
in World War II, 876
in W.Va., 726
Strong, Josiah (1847–1916), 679
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Commit-
tee (SNCC), 985, 986, 988, 993, 998,
1001, 1002, 1008, 1016, 1018
students, as activists, 986
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS),
1004–5, 1004 , 1008–9, 1016, 1018,

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