An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-137

hourly, 1086
immigrants and, 699
inflation and increasing, 784
international standards for, 1081
“living wage” and, 731, 749, 838, 846
and Mexican immigrants, 1018, 1124
migrant farm workers and, 1018
minimum, 724, 729, 791, 830, 844, 960,
1086, 1139, 1140
New Deal and, 833
overtime and, 844
rising, 942
Social Security tax on, 838, 846, 848
stagnation of, 1124
strike for higher, 590, 617
tax brackets and, 1059
in U.S. compared with Europe, 611
women and, 676, 761, 879, 1015, 1054,
1055 , 1100
in World War I, 747
in World War II, 873, 876, 879
Wagner, Robert (1877–1953), 837
Wagner Act (1935), 830, 836–37, 844, 849,
Waite, Davis (1825–1901), 656
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 612
Walker, David, 897
Walker, Francis Amasa (1840–1897), 670
Walker, Scott (1967–), 1148
Wallace, George (1919–1998), 994, 995,
1027, 1052
Wallace, Henry (1888–1965), 881, 882, 909,
926, 927
Walls, Josiah T., 591
Wall Street, 693, 786, 794, 834, 867, 927,
955, 1064, 1129, 1132–33, 1134, 1139
in depression, 813
Occupy Movement and, 1140
Wall Street Journal, 790
Wal-Mart, 1086
and owners’ wealth, 1139
War Advertising Council, 878
war bonds, 749 , 874, 878, 892
War Department, U.S., 896, 899
Warehouse Act (1916), 731
War Industries Board, 747, 824
War Labor Board, 747
War Manpower Commission, 873
Warm Springs Foundation, 903
Warner, Charles Dudley (1829–1900), 629–30
War of 1812, 569, 756, 868
War of Independence, see American

protests against, 1008–9, 1032, 1116
television and, 1024
Tet offensive in, 1024
troop numbers in, 1008, 1025
Villa, Francisco “Pancho” (1878–1923), 742
Vinson, Fred (1890–1953), 972
Virginia, 1022, 1022 , 1135
desegregation in, 977
Virginia Tech University, 1152
Virgin Islands, 735
VISTA, 998
Voice of America, McCarthy and, 930
Volga River, 871
voting rights, 702, 718, 974
African-American loss of, 663–64, 718,
764, 765, 846, 850, 889, 977, 993,
995, 999
for African-Americans, 583, 585, 587,
citizenship and, 718
emancipated slaves and, 565, 568–69,
583, 585
grandfather clause and, 663, 664
for Japanese women, 912
literacy tests and, 663, 718
of Native Americans, 803
Puerto Ricans and, 761
registration and black, 663–64, 718
universal, 589
Voting Rights Act and, 995–96
for women, 585, 587–88, 655, 670, 677,
693, 717, 721–22, 723 , 744, 749–51,
787, 791
Voting Rights Act (1965), 994, 995–96,

Wabash v. Illinois, 638
Wade, Benjamin F., 584
“wade-ins,” 985
wages, 769, 852, 1139
African-Americans and, 761, 808, 1063,
agricultural work for, 616
consumerism and, 700, 703, 720–21,
cost of living increases in, 934, 960
cowboys and, 617
decline in real, 1046 , 1047, 1048, 1068,
equal pay for equal work and, 1054,
Fordism and, 702
Great Depression and, 812, 814

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