Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

328 l//-35

So let us proceed to the faculty of reason. There are two kinds, internal
and verbalized. So let us first consider the internal. So, according to the
dogmatists who now hold the opinions which are most opposed to us,
i.e., the Stoics, it seems to be occupied with the following: the choice of
congenial things and the avoidance of uncongenial things, the knowledge
of the crafts which contribute to this, the grasp of the virtues which
accord with one's own nature, the matters connected to the passions.

  1. So the dog, which it was decided would make a good example for
    our argument, makes a choice of congenial things and avoids harmful
    ones, since it pursues food and cringes from a raised whip; but it also
    has a craft for providing itself with congenial things, viz. hunting. 67.
    Nor does it lack virtue, since justice, at least, is concerned with rendering
    to everyone what he deserves and the dog is not without justice in that
    he fawns on those who are congenial to it, does good to them and guards
    them, while it wards off those who are uncongenial and do it wrong. 68.
    And if the dog has justice, then since the virtues [all] follow upon each
    other it also has the other virtues too-which the wise men say that the
    majority of men lack. And we see that the dog is heroic in warding off
    attackers, and intelligent; Homer^32 too testifies to this when he has Odys-
    seus recognized only by [his dog] Argos while he went unrecognized by
    all the members of his household, since the dog was not deceived by the
    change in his master's physical appearance and had not lost his graspable
    presentation [of his master], which he seems to have had more [clearly]
    than the human beings. 69. And according to Chrysippus, who has a
    special interest in the non-rational animals, [the dog] also participates in
    their famous 'dialectic'. At any rate the fellow just mentioned says that
    [the dog] attends to the fifth indemonstrable with several [disjuncts]
    when he comes to a three-way intersection; for the dog sniffs at the two
    roads which the quarry did not go down, and immediately charges off
    down the third without stopping to sniff it. In effect he says that its
    reasoning was this: either the quarry went here or here or here; but he
    did not go here or here; therefore he went here ....
    73. For now it is not necessary to investigate verbalized reason. For
    some of the dogmatists dismissed it as an obstacle to the acquisition of
    virtue, which is why they practiced silence during the [initial] training
    period. Moreover, suppose for the sake of argument that a man is dumb,
    no one will [therefore] say that he is non-rational. Passing over these
    points, it is highly relevant [to note] that animals, which is what we are
    discussing, also utter human sounds; jays, for example and some others
    too. 74. But to let this point go, even if we do not understand the

  2. Odyssey 17.300.

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