Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


beautiful (kalon):
benefit (opheleia):

The same term is usually translated 'honourable' (q.v.).
In Stoicism, benefit is narrowly defined in terms of the
attainment or preservation of a virtuous state.
canon (kanon): standard of judgement; reference point for decision; criterion.
cause (aition): usually in a narrower sense than that which applies to the four
Aristotelian causes (or forms of causal explanation). In Hellenistic thought the
term cause indicates the active principle which brings about some other event,
object or state of affairs; closer to the familiar modern concept of cause than
Aristotle's notion. Often equivalent to Aristotle's efficient cause.
caution (eulabeia): in Stoicism, the rational and correct avoidance of something
bad; the virtuous counterpart of fear, which is a passion.
choice (hairesis), choose (hairesthaz): rational or deliberative desire; in Stoicism,
rational desire for the good. Hence, what is to be chosen (haireteon); worth
choosing (haireton).
clarity, clear (fact) (enargeia, enargema): an originally Epicurean term for a
presentation (q. v.) obtained directly by the senses or the intellect without interpre-
tive additions. Also, self-evidence.
commit oneself to (diabebaioo): The sceptics believe that the disposition to
commit oneself to the truth of anything non-evident is logically unjustifiable.
Also, make firm (or definite) assertions. Cf. bebaioo.
complete (teleios): also, perfect.
condition (hexis): in Stoicism, a state or alteration of the pneuma which consti-
tutes something; hence, a quality or (non-permanent) attribute of something.
condition, stable condition (katastasis, katastema): In Epicureanism kata-
stematic pleasures are those which do not consist in the removal of a pain.
confirm (bebaioo): to provide conclusive confirmation of a theory. A central
sceptical strategy is to show that the absence of conclusive confirmation is equiva-
lent to no confirmation at all. Also, establish, affirm, support.
confirmation, what awaits (to prosmenon): in Epicureanism, something which
is not completely or permanently non-evident, but which requires further observa-
tion under more favourable circumstances in order that the truth about it should
become evident.
conflagration (ekpurosis): in Stoic physics, the periodic dissolution of the uni-
verse in flames.
congenial, etc. (oikeios): something which is compatible with or promotes the
health, well-being, constitution or interests of an animal; opposite: congenial
(allotrios). Congeniality (oikeiosis) is the objective relationship between an animal
and things which are congenial to it, not a subjective disposition or attitude.
constitution (status, sustasis): the basic structure and characteristics of a thing
which make it what it is.
cosmos, pl. cosmoi (kosmos): world; the organized and structured portion of
the universe.
daimon: a supernatural power; the term often includes gods, but is not limited
to them.
demonstration (apodeixis): a technical term for a formal argument in syllogistic
form which reveals something non-evident.

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