Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Glossary 405
there are (at least in Epicureanism and Stoicism) material entities which cannot
be directly perceived. See also essence.
rejected (apoproegmenon): In Stoicism, an indifferent thing (q.v.) which has
disvalue for the life according to nature is said to be rejected.
rejection (apekloge): in Stoicism, the decision to avoid or flee from something
which has disvalue or is contrary to nature.
reminiscent (hupomnestikon): of signs, reminding us of something we have
already perceived or known.
[representational] image (emphasis): an Academic term for an impression
which is implicitly plausible.
resistance (antikope, antikopsis): physical resistance, which only a body is capa-
ble of providing.
right reason (orthos logos): a term in ethics indicating correct use of reason in
matching up means and ends; in Stoicism, right reason is one of the descriptions
of god.
seed (sperma): often used in an extended sense for any generative principle.
selection (ekloge): in Stoicism, the choice of something which is preferred or
according to nature; rational choice of something which is not morally good.
self-control (enkrateia): the ability to control desires deemed undesirable or ir-
self-evident (prodelos): something evident which does not depend on something
else for its truth or knowability.
self-sufficiency (autarkeia): autonomy, the state of not needing anything exter-
nal; virtue is said to be self-sufficient for happiness by the Stoics, since they hold
that the virtuous man is happy no matter what external circumstances he is in.
Self-sufficiency in some sense is a goal in most of Greek ethics.
sense-perception (aisthesis): occasionally also 'sense', 'sense-organ'.
sensible (aistheton): the direct object of one of the five senses.
shame(ful) (aischron, aischune, aischos): In Stoic ethics in particular, this term
indicates the opposite of what is honourable.
sorites (sorites): an argument formed of a complex of linked syllogisms; for an
example see C 41, 182-183.
sound (hugies): of conditional inferences, one which does not infer from a truth
to a falsehood.
spermatic principle (spermatikos logos): in Stoicism, the organic bearer of the
rational principle of the universe or its contents.
state (pathos): also, condition, experience, feeling, modification. See also
state (polis): the basic political entity in the Greek world.
subsist (huphistasthm): In Stoicism the term indicates the dependent mode of
existence which characterizes incorporeals, such as things said.
substance (hupokeimenon): also, hupostasis, ousia; genuine entity or real thing.
In Stoic category theory, it is an underlying primary object and always corporeal.
supervene (epigignesthat): to exist or occur as temporally or logically subsequent
to something else, on which it is dependent.

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