Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


I-21.30-31; I-128; III-50; bodily
vs. mental: I-9.137; I-24; and
pleasure: I-4.128; I-5.III, XVIII;
I-10; I-11; I-13; I-19.41; I-20;
I-22.37-38; I-134-I-135; freedom
from: I-5.XXI; I-158; limits of:
I-4.133, I-5.1V, XI, XXI; I-6.4;
I-23.55; I-41; calculus of:
I-4.129; I-6.73; I-21.32-33;
I-138; as criterion: I-7.34; and
desire: I-5.XXVI, XXIX
(n.20),XXX; in Stoicism: 11-74;
11-94.111-112; Il-95.5b,c,g, 11e;
11-107.7-8; 11-110.2, 3; a passion:
11-94.110-111, 118; 11-95.10-lOc;
an indifferent: 11-1.37; 11-94.102;
Il-95.5a; rejected: 11-94.96-97;
11-107.17; 11-116.62-63; see also
pleasure, passion, disease, distur-
bance, cradle argument; in
scepticism: III-22.67.
Panaetius: 11-2.41; 11-20.142, 149;
11-23.118; 11-94.92, 128.
paradox: 11-1.186-187; 11-3.43-44,
82; 11-35; 11-88; III-11.95-98; see
also dialectic.
Parmenides: III-46.65.
parsimony: I-6.43, 63; see also fru-
gality, profligacy.
passion: I-53; 11-20.158; 11-24.13;
11-72; 11-94.110-114, 117; Il-
95.6d, 9b, 10-10e, lli; 11-117-11-
121; see also fear, pain, pleasure,
perceive: = grasp: III-6; III-7.40-
42; III-8.66-67; III-10.77-78;
III-15; III-19.45; III-20.99-100,
101, 105; see also knowledge,
grasp, sense-perception.
perception: see sense-perception.
Persaeus: 11-1.28, 36, 162; 11-
persuasion: two senses of: III-
27.229-230: see also assent.

phantasm: 11-3.50, 61; 11-12.4-5;
phenomena: I-65.
Philo of Larissa: III-4.739a-d; III-
10.78; III-27.220, 235.
Philo of Megara: 11-1.15; III-
philosophy: I-1.2; I-6.41, 74, 76;
I-50; 11-94.129; Il-95.11k,m; 11-
105; III-26.18; III-31.12; III-34;
III-43.13; divisions of: I-7.29;
I-66; 11-2.39-41; 11-24.9; 11-113;
rewards of: I-4.122, 133; I-6.27,
45, 54; I-117; I-124; see also
logic, physics, ethics.
physics, rewards of: I-2.78;
I-3.84, 85; I-5.XI, XII; I-6.29,
45; I-118; 11-1.160; 11-2.39-41;
11-20.132; 11-24.9-11; 11-113; as
branch of philosophy: I-7.29-30;
I-66; 11-24.9-11; sceptical phys-
ics: III-26.18; see also philosophy
(divisions of), matter, god, astron-
omy, pneuma.
place: I-2.40, 42; I-78; I-80; 11-
20.132; 11-34; 11-37; 11-38; III-
46.75, 76, 79-81; III-47.119-135;
see also void, space.
plague: 11-23.14.
planets: I-3.112-114.
Plato: I-68.212; 11-3.77, 80; 11-
24.3; 11-31; 11-61; 11-94.131; III-
1.28, 32; III-16; III-19.46; III-
22.72; III-27.220-223, 225, 234;
III-35.88; III-43.64, 110; III-
pleasure: in Epicureanism: I-19;
I-22.37; I-68.203; as goal: I-1.11;
I-4.128.131; I-6.14, 37; I-9-I-11;
I-37; I-128; III-48.187; as good:
I-4.129; I-5.VIII; I-11; I-19;
I-21.29-31; I-23.55; I-37; I-128;
I-129; III-22.101; III-31.5;mental
vs. bodily: I-9; I-13; I-19;
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