Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
About the Authors

BRAD INWOOD is Professor of Classics, University of Toronto. His works
include Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism, The Poem of Empe-
docles, a chapter on Stoic ethics in the Cambridge History of Hellenistic
Philosophy, and numerous articles and reviews on various aspects of
ancient philosophy. His most recent work deals with the Roman Stoic
LLOYD GERSON is Professor of Philosophy, University of Toronto.
His previous works include (with H. G. Apostle) a translation with com-
mentary of Aristotle's Politics and translations of other Aristotelian works.
He is also the author of God and Greek Philosophy and Plotinus in the
Arguments of the Philosophers series, is the editor of the Cambridge
Companion to Plotinus, and has published many articles on ancient and
medieval philosophy.

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