Ancient Greek Civilization

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

interpretation, with its own Facebook page (, of the meaning of the
Parthenon sculptures.

Hornblower, S. Thucydides (Baltimore 1987): the most sensible and penetrating introduction to the
writing and thinking of Thucydides and to the intellectual context from which his history emerged.

Hurwit, J. M. The Acropolis in the Age of Pericles (Cambridge 2004): a detailed and comprehensive
examination of the acropolis, its buildings, and dedications, including a CD-ROM with magnificent color

Jouanna, J. Hippocrates, English translation (Baltimore and London 1999): a comprehensive study of
Hippocrates and his enormous influence, by the leading expert on the history of ancient medicine.

Lloyd, G. E. R. (ed.) Hippocratic Writings (Harmondsworth 1978): a selection of some of the most
interesting and important Greek medical treatises in accurate translations, with an excellent introduction
by Lloyd, the leading authority on ancient science.

Neils, J. The Parthenon Frieze (Cambridge 2001): an excellent account of the design, the iconography,
and the influence of the Parthenon frieze, along with a sensible discussion of the ethical issues connected
with its repatriation, illustrated with a CD-ROM that allows the entire frieze to be viewed as a

Parker, R. On Greek Religion (Ithaca 2011): a brilliant study that originated as a series of lectures, by a
leading authority, showing why it is so difficult to give easy answers about Greek (or any) religion.

Strassler, R. B. (ed.) The Landmark Thucydides (New York 1996): the excellent Crawley translation,
updated and printed in a brilliantly conceived layout, with numerous maps, helpful headers, and marginal
notes, allowing Thucydides’ narrative to be followed with ease.

Suggested Internet Resources

The English-language web-site of the Dutch organization Livius (, accessed March 29, 2016)
presents numerous articles on ancient history, with an especially valuable article on the Peloponnesian
War, with links to texts, maps, and further articles.

The article on Hippocrates (, accessed March 29, 2016) in the Internet
Encyclopedia of Philosophy places the physician in his proper intellectual context and provides useful
bibliographical references.

Medicina Antiqua (, accessed March 29, 2016), the web-site of
the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, has excellent essays on Hippocrates and on
various aspects of ancient medicine, with links to texts and other internet resources.

The Ancient City of Athens (, accessed March 29, 2016) is an extensive photographic
archive of the acropolis and other archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens.

The Parthenon Frieze (, accessed March 29, 2016), developed by the Hellenic
Ministry of Culture and the National Documentation Centre, allows navigation through the entirety of the
Parthenon frieze, with informative video displays of all the Parthenon’s decorations.

The Acropolis Museum in the Google Art Project (

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