The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
russian ethnic nationalism and religion today

time in 2010, Ekishev remained the sole leader of the People’s
Militia. According to the New Times, while in prison Kvachkov
announced, ‘I transferred to the jurisdiction of the RosOC and
took communion there’ ( 2011).
Another jurisdiction that emerged as a result of splits in the
ROCA is the ROCA- A led by Bishop Agafangel (Pashkovskii) and
with its centre in Odessa. Orthodox nationalist Mikhail Nazarov
was a member of this jurisdiction. The well- known publicist
Egor Kholmogorov, who calls himself ‘a Russian nationalist and
an Orthodox fundamentalist’, at one time belonged to another
splinter group emerging from ROCA, the Russian (Rossiiskaia)
Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC), which has its centre in
Suzdal. At the time of this writing, however, Kholmogorov has
returned to the Russian Orthodox Church (see also Kholmogorov
Other than ROCA splinter groups, nationalists may join the
Russian Old Believers and the Old Style jurisdictions of other local
churches that reject cooperation with the authorities. In extreme
circumstances, there remains the possibility of independently
creating an uncanonical structure. Bishop Diomid (Dziuban)
of Anadyr and Chukotka – the author of several open letters
accusing the hierarchy of the Church, and even Patriarch Aleksii
himself, of heresy and cooperation with an anti- people regime –
was defrocked in 2008 by the Russian Orthodox Church. After
his dismissal Diomid created a virtual structure, ‘the Most Holy
Governing Synod’, which a section of the Orthodox national-
ists joined. It is worth noting that in his open letters Diomid
did not articulate any sort of nationalist ideas: in other words,
what nationalists find attractive is probably his implacable hos-
tility to the ‘official church’. Nationalists themselves deduced
from Diomid’s phrases about the ‘anti- people regime’ that he
was denouncing ‘non- Russian’ authorities. Schema- priest- monk
Rafail (Berestov), to whom we will return to below, swiftly spoke
out in support of Diomid on the grounds that ‘the government
of Russia is not Russian. It does not follow a Russian ideology’
(Rafail [Berestov, R.] 2008).

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