The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Note: A page reference in italics indicates a figure and tables are shown in bold.

Agency of Political and Economic
Communications, 289
Aleksandr I, 48
Aleksandr III, 61, 69
Alksnis, Viktor, 36
Anderson, Benedict, 223
Anderson, Bridget, 319
Anderson, John, 105
Andropov, Iurii, 65
anti-fascist (antifa) fighters, 77–8
anti-migrant campaign (2013), 81–2,
87, 88, 94, 95, 323
anti-utopia genre (literature),
Åslund, Anders, 352
authorities see Kremlin
Avdeev, Vladimir, 121, 123

Badie, Bertrand, 340
Badovskii, Dmitrii, 288–9
Barghoorn, Frederick, 25
Barkashov, Aleksandr, 31
Barsukova, Svetlana, 353
Beissinger, Mark, 59
Belov-Potkin, Aleksandr, 34
Benediktov, Kirill, 36
Berdiaev, Nikolai, 289
Berestov, Rafail, 117, 119–20
Beskov, Andrei, 122–3
Bevelander, Pieter, 141

Biriulevo-Zapadnoe riots, 86, 94–5,
240–1, 325–6
Black Hundreds, 24, 30, 98, 105
Blinder, Scott, 319
Blumer, Herbert, 165
Bolotnaia movement, 281, 287, 291
Bondarik, Nikolai, 88, 94, 96
Brezhnev, Leonid, 25
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China
and South Africa), 344–5
Brubaker, Rogers, 136n, 304
Bush, George W. H., 169

labour migration to Russia, 1–2,
migrants from, 1–2, 151, 266
see also North Caucasus
Central Asia
labour migration to Russia, 1–2, 40
migrants from, 1–2, 151, 266
relinquishment of, Solzhenitsyn,
20, 26
Centre for Political Analysis, 289
Centre for Social Conservative Policy,
Channel 1, 301, 305, 328–9
see also television, state-aligned;
Vremia (Channel 1)
Chaplin, Vsevolod, 262–3
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