The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism

fascist movements, 31, 34–5
Fatherland–All Russia, 231, 235,
Fedorov, Boris, 347
Fedorov, Valerii, 58
football hooligans, 81, 85
Foundation for the Development of
Civil Society, 289
France, 139, 140, 141, 320
French Revolution, 48, 49
friendship of the peoples (druzhba
narodov), 265, 269
Fursov, Andrei, 359

Gaidar, Egor, 47, 59, 280, 341, 346–7
Galkina, Elena, 54
Gellner, Ernest, 21, 223, 229
Gevorkian, Eduard, 68
Glazev, Sergei, 356–7, 358–9
globalisation, 285, 299, 337, 338–9
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 28, 29, 31, 57,
280, 346
Great Russia (Velikaia Rossiia), 79,
Greenfeld, Liah, 338
group threat approach, 163–6,
Gryzlov, Boris, 288
Gulyga, Arsenii, 61

Hechter, Michael, 223
Hill, Fiona, 283
Hopf, Ted, 337
Hosking, Geoffrey, 24
Huntington, Samuel, 111, 112
hybrid regimes, 225

Iakunin, Vladimir, 349
ideological state posture
concept of, 277–8
conservatism, 287–90
political centrism, 282–4
role of think tanks, 288–90
and social contestation, 284–5
structuring of, 284–7
Ilin, Ivan, 62, 289
imagined communities, 223
immigration see migrants; migrants,
perceptions of; migration

imperial nationalism
and the annexation of Crimea, 6,
70, 260
anti-imperialism of national
democratic nationalists, 52–3,
forms of, 1, 21
impertsy, term, 1, 35
irredentism and, 63–4
militia leaders, 71
and multi-ethnic Russian
nationalism, 229–30, 240
and official nationality doctrine,
political prospects of, 69–70
redirection of by authorities, 71–2
rossiiane, concept and, 252
state strength, importance of, 1, 5
tensions with ethnonationalism,
21–2, 35–6
term, 46, 47
as traditional state strategy, 249
imperial syndrome
antidote to separatism, 62
and civilizational differences with
the West, 60–2
imperial body, 60, 62
imperial consciousness, 60–3
imperial legacy and, 58–9
imperial order, 59–60
increased Soviet consciousness,
rehabilitation of empire, 67–9
Ingram, Alan, 30
Institute for Modern Development
(INSOR), 286–7
Institute for Priority Regional
Projects, 289
Institute for Social-Economic and
Political Research (ISEPI),
Institute of the Far East, 280, 281
intergroup relations
group homogeneity (entitativity),
group threat approach, 163–7, 182
importance of ethnic identity and,
intergroup defection, 165–6, 182
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