The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

divisions in, post-annexation of
Crimea, 82, 97–8
ethnic criminality activities, 84, 86,
94, 95
football hooliganism and, 85
future of, 99–100
grassroots activism, 88–9
internal organization, 77
Manezhnaia riots, 81, 85, 96
membership fighting in Ukraine,
non-political activities, 90–1
political activities, 78–9, 95–6
political marginalization of, 80–1
political strategies, 90
political structures, 90–7
political terror tactics, 84
racist violence, 77, 80, 83, 84, 87
raids (semi-legal violence), 87–9
relations with the authorities,
revolutionary violence, tactics for,
riot tactics (Kondopoga technique),
84–5, 86, 87, 96
Russian Spring, support for,
state support for, 2–3
suppression of by the Kremlin,
80–1, 253–4
2011 protest movement and, 3, 86,
92–3, 238
within the united opposition, 91,
violence, use of, 83–8
youth groups membership and
support for, 80–1, 85, 90, 94–5,
96, 99
see also neo-Nazis
raids (semi-legal violence), 87–9
rally-round-the-leader effect
as rally-round-the-political-system
effect, 200
support for Putin, post annexation
of Crimea, 6, 72, 162, 198–9,
199 , 244–5, 247–8
temporary nature of, 169, 193,
Rasputin, Valentin, 36

red-brown opposition, 20, 28–9, 53,
Regamey, Amandine, 134
Riabykh, Father (Abbot) Georgii,
110, 111
Rodina (party), 81, 92, 253, 285, 356
Rogozin, Dmitrii, 81, 253, 285
Romanov era, 33, 55, 61, 249
Rossiia, 301, 328–9
see also television, state-aligned;
Vesti (Rossiia)
cultural core of, 270
ethnonationalist opposition to, 36
and the Russian language, 33
use by Eltsin, 3–4, 160, 252
use by Putin, 260
rossiiskaia natsiia, 38, 262, 264, 299
and ethnic Russian nationalism,
229–30, 275–6
usage of term, state-aligned media,
rossiiskii model, 3, 6, 13, 33, 37, 39,
40, 42, 44, 202, 249, 309–10
rossiiskii narod, 18, 33, 38, 252, 256
Rowley, David, 21
entry to WTO, 353
as a European country, 276
federal structure of, 267–8, 300
party structure, 355
political isolation of, 72
Russia for Russians (Rossiia dlia
russkikh), 40, 187, 202, 265
Russian All-National Union (Russkii
obshchenatsional’nyi soiuz)
(RONS), 75n, 76, 92, 97
Russian All-People’s Union (Rossiiskii
obshchenarodnyi soiuz) (ROS),
75n, 90, 92
Russian civic nation (rossiiskaia
grazhdanskaia natsiia), 264,
Russian Image (Russkii obraz), 78,
79, 80, 83, 90, 91
Russian Imperial Movement (Russkoe
imperskoe dvizhenie) (RID), 91,
92, 93, 97
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