The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism


Russia?’ – based on nationwide survey
samples from 2005, 2013, and 2014 205
Figure 7.4: Share of respondents who strongly
opposed their family members marrying
migrants belonging to ethnic groups other
than their own 208
Figure 7.5: Factors singled out by the respondents as
most uniting/dividing the peoples of Russia
and Ukraine 211
Figure 7.6: Preferences for the territorial boundaries of
the Russian Federation 214
Figure 8.1: Per cent responses to ‘What should be the
borders of Russia?’ 242
Figure 11.1: Frequency and intensity of ethnicity-
related news as a percentage of the overall
news content 306
Figure 11.2: Frequency of ethnicity- related news inside
and outside the Russian Federation,
Vremia and Vesti 307
Figure 11.3: Intensity of ethnicity- related news inside
and outside the Russian Federation,
Vremia and Vesti 308
Figure 11.4: Salience of ethnicity- related news, Vremia
and Vesti 309
Figure 11.5: Intensity of each category as a percentage
of all ethnicity- related news, Vremia 311
Figure 11.6: Intensity of each category as a percentage
of all ethnicity- related news, Vesti 311
Figure 11.7: Frequency of Russian Orthodox Church-
coded stories over the total recording
period, Vremia and Vesti 314
Figure 11.8: Intensity of Russian Orthodox Church-
coded stories over the total recording
period, Vremia and Vesti 315
Figure 11.9: Frequency of migration- coded stories
inside and outside the Russian
Federation over the total recording period,
Vremia 321

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