Black Rights - White Wrongs the-critique

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


abolitionism, 33, 68, 143– 45, 152, 155
aboriginal expropriation. See also Native
Cherokee Nation cases (U.S. Supreme
Court, 1831- 2) and, 109– 10
cognitive distortions designed to erase,
39, 43– 44, 116
discovery doctrine (Johnson v. M’Intosh)
and, 41
imperialism and, 149– 50, 200
liberalism and, xix, 27
Locke as providing justification for, 6, 31
modern international society and, 40– 41,
149– 50, 151– 53, 195– 96, 199
property rights violated in, 88
rectificatory justice as a response
to, 34– 35
social contract theory and, 36
United States’ foundation on, 37, 46, 89,
114, 116, 120, 162
white ignorance and, 70– 71
white supremacy and, 158
whites’ benefits from, 8, 46, 127– 28,
130, 165
absolutism, 5, 16, 23, 28, 33, 219n1, 220n6
Achieving Our Humanity (Eze), 97
Ackerley, Brooke, 193
Adams, Charles Francis, 66
affirmative action
as applied ethics, 114
decline in the United States of, 42, 215
fair equality of opportunity principle
and, 173– 74
non- ideal theory and, 173– 74
political philosophy and, 33
Rawls and, 140, 147, 152, 162– 63,
169, 233n11
as rectificatory justice, 34, 140, 147, 152,
157– 58, 162, 169, 171

tokenization and, 188
for whites, 120, 199
African slavery
abolitionism and, 33, 68, 143– 45, 152, 155
Atlantic slave trade and, 149, 200
black nationalist thought regarding, 202
capitalism and, 4, 7, 204– 5
Carolina constitution (1669) and, 31
cognitive distortions designed to erase,
39, 43, 116
debt servitude following, 128
history textbooks’ neglect of, 65– 66
Kant and, 100
liberalism and, 21, 27
Locke and, 6, 31
Marxism and, 7
memory and testimony from, 68
modernity and, xxi, 205
personhood denied in, 8, 67– 68
property rights violated in, 88
public memory and, 172
racist justifications for, 3– 4, 124
Rawls on, 143– 46, 149
social contract’s exclusion of, 195– 96
United States’ abolition of, 57, 128
United States’ foundation on, 37, 41, 43,
46, 87, 89, 114, 116, 120, 162, 204
white ignorance and, 70
white supremacy and, 118, 158
whites’ benefits from, 46, 127– 28, 165
Africana philosophy
American Philosophical Association’s
recognition of, 32, 183
black philosophers working on, 185– 88
challenges facing, 32, 181– 82, 220n15,
241n28, 241n37
conceptual tokenization and, 188– 89
Philosophia Africana journal and, 193
recent advances in, xx, 32– 33, 182– 85
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