Bebel, A.: Women Under
Socialism 319
behaviouralism 16, 19
Beitz, C. 487–8
Belfast: pro-IRA mural 466
belief 402
Bellamy, R. and Warleigh, A. 131
Ben, G. 292
Benedict, R. 338
benefits 79
Benn, T. 214
Bentham, J. 103
Bentley, A. 16
Berki, R. 218, 224, 228; Socialism
Berlin, I.: Two Concepts of
Berners-Lee, T. 68
Bernstein, E. 120, 234;
Evolutionary Socialism224,
225; German Socialists 224–5;
revisionism and British
tradition 225; socialism 225–8
Beyond Left and Right(Giddens)
Beyond the State(Hoffman) 33
Biafra 26
Biggs, R. 151
Bin Laden, Osama 446, 451
black feminism 326–7
Blair, A. (Tony) 163, 227; version
of socialism 227–8
Blanquism 221
Blix, Hans 461
blue-eyes 274–5
bodily harm 35
Bodin, J. 24
Bolshevik Revolution (1917) 222,
Bolsheviks 214, 453
multiculturalism 337
Bourdieu, P. 448
Boutwell, A. 440
Bouyeri, M. 341
boxing 35, 43; and
sadomasochism 50–1
Brandes, B. 44–5
Branover, H. 392
Bretons 267
British National Front (NF) 452
British National Party (BNP) 281
British passports: citizenship 119
Brookchin, M. 249–50, 251
Brown, G. 227
Bryson, V. 126–7, 319–23, 325,
327, 329, 334
Bubeck, D. 128, 129
Buber, M. 440
Bull, H. 28; The Anarchical
Society 33
Bunting, B.: The Rise of the South
African Reich 302
burdens 79
Burke, E. 108; conservative
thinking 199–201; Reflections
on the Revolution in France
200; visionaries 196
burqa 350
burqa ban 336, 389; women’s
rights 352–3
bus boycott: Montgomery 436
Californisation 29
Cameron, D. 194
capacity for choice 63
Caparetto: Battle of (1917) 283
capital 90
Capital(Marx) 134–5, 218, 453
capital punishment 142, 152–60;
arbitrary 158–9; arguments
against 156–60; brutalising
160; cruelty 159–60;
deterrence 155; jury selection
159; killing is wrong 156–7;
redemption 157–8;
responsibility 159; risk of
killing innocent 157; United
States of America 152–3; using
people 158
capitalism 219; Christianity 85–6;
citizenship 122, 135; class
structure 123; defence 91;
fascism 294–5; feminism 321;
key features (Marx) 90; public
and private 24
care: service 128
Carens, J. 259, 275
Carmichael, S. 322
Carter, A. 132; Authority and
Democracy 4
caste society 56
Catalonia: anarchists 245
Catho-communists 389
Catholicism 174–7, 177
Cavalli-Sforza, L. 274
censure 150–2
chain-connection 84
Chamberlain, W. 87, 94
Charles I, King of England 102,
children: rights 40
China: Great Leap Forward 7;
human rights 27
choice 57, 63
Choudhury, T. 341
Christian Aid 31
Christian Broadcasting Network
(CBN) 390
Christian Coalition 390
Christian Fundamentalism 379;
September 11th terrorist attack
(2001) 389
Christian Right 390
Christianity 60; capitalism 85–6;
choice 177; missionary hearing
confession 402 ; morality
440–1; toleration 174–7
citizenship 118–40; British
passports 119; capitalism 122,
135; case for basic income
125–6; class 120–1; concept 3;
European Union 31, 131–2;
global 129–30; good 128; laws
61; liberalism 120; Marshall
and social rights 121–3;
momentum concept 137; Nazi
Germany 414; new right
123–4; patriarchy 129;
problem of class 134–6;
questions 138–9; relational
concept 136–8; undermined by
state 132–4; women 126–9
Citizenship and Governance in the
European Union(Bellamy and
Waleigh) 131
Citizenship and Social Class
(Marshall) 122–3
civic culture 200
civic nation 263
civic nationalism 267–8, 268
civil disobedience 422–43;
campaign steps 439;
conscientious refusal 430–4,
433–4; definition 424;
democracy 426–9; nature and
role 431–3; political obligation
425; questions 442; Rawls
430–4; reasons for lawbreaking
424–5; summary 442
Civil Disobedience(Thoreau) 424
Civil Rights Act (USA 1866) 436
512 Index