Rousseau, J-J. 3–4; democracy
102; nationalism 263; slavery
120; The Social Contract108;
state 14, 29; women 314
rules: state 14
Ruling Class, The(Mosca) 287
Rushdie, S.: The Satanic Verses
Rushton, J.P. 273
Russell, B. 244
Russian Revolution (1917) 224
Rwandan genocide: Murambi
Genocide Memorial 281
Sabl, A. 434
Sachs, A.: The Soft Vengeance of
a Freedom Fighter 449
sadomasochism: and boxing 50–1;
consensual 35; defence 35
Saint Simon, H. 217
Sale, K. 370–1
Salmi, J.: Violence and
Democratic Society 447
Salter, F. 273–4, 276
same-sex marriage 194, 207–10
Sandel, M. 269
Satanic Verses, The(Rushdie) 343
satyagraha 434
Scanlon, T. 46–7
scepticism 178
Schmitt, C. 114, 178
Schoenberg, A. 399
Schumpeter, J. 105
science: distrust 360
scientific socialism: arguments
218–19; authoritarianism
Scotland 260
secular humanists: evangelists
secularism 178
security 128
Security Council (UN) 31
sedition 41
Segal, L. 328
segregation 436
self-determination 31, 252–5
self-government 116
self-interest 181
self-ownership 88–9, 92
self-realisation 308
self-rule: force 110
Selma: Edmund Pettus Bridge
march (1965) 439
Sen, A. 483–5
separatism 207
Sephardic Jews 393
September 11th terrorist attack
(2001) 444; Christian
Fundamentalists 389; legacy
445; political violence 461;
significance 460–2
Sessions, G. 365
sex 473
sexual freedom 249
sexual selection 271
sexuality: rape 327
shame 60
Shaw, G.B.: The Apple Cart
Shklar, J. 418
Short, C. 325
shortlists: all-women 69–70
Shultz, G. 458
Siber, P. 293
side constraints 184
Singapore 110
Singer, P. 483; Democracy and
Sinn Féin 466
slave morality 60
slavery 8, 120; Greece (ancient)
112; United States of America
Smith, A. 29, 261
Smith, Ian 26
social change 306–38
social cohesion 49
Social Contract, The(Rousseau)
social democracy 214, see also
democratic socialism
social democrats: international
social fascists 295
social goods 80
social justice 250
social movements: new 305–10
social rights 121–3, 408
socialism 165, 166, 212–36;
anarchism relationship 240;
authoritarian consequences to
scientific socialism 219–21;
Bernstein 226; Bernstein’s
argument 225–8; British
Labour and third way 229;
can Marxism be rescued?
229–32; collapse of 307;
cooperation 215; death of 212;
defining 215; dilemma of
democratic 223–5;
environmentalism 361; equality
215; freedom 215; further
reading 236; human nature
215; inevitability 232;
introducing Marxism 218–19;
nationalism 266–7; pre-mature
revolutions 221–2; problem of
variety 214–15; questions 235;
science and the utopian
socialists 217–18; summary
235; United States of America
228; Utopia problem 215–16
Socialism(Berki) 240
Socialisms(Wright) 214
society: socialist theory 219
sociobiology 272
Soft Vengeance of a Freedom
Fighter, The(Sachs) 449
solidarity: human rights 418–19
soul stuff 16
South Africa: African National
Congress (ANC) 167;
apartheid 61, 302, 449, 468;
liberation struggle 449
Sovereign Statehood(James) 33
sovereignty: broad concept 24;
constitutional independence
24; difficulties with modernist
conception 25; God 24, 29;
modern concept 24; problem
with broad view 26; rescuing
idea 26–7; state 23–4
Soysal, Y. 130
Spain (Republican): anarchism
Spanish Civil War (1937) 247
Spanish Communist Party 246
special privileges: fair access 55
species: consciousness 266; decline
spoilage proviso 86
Stalin, J. 214, 222; purges 299
Stalinism 297–9
standpoint feminism 329–30
Stanton, E.C. 315
state: argument against concept
16–19; awkward facts 28;
behaviouralist argument 16;
centrality of will 14; citizenship
undermined 132–4; civilising
15; classical ideas 11–33;
522 Index