use value 90
Using Political Ideas(Goodwin)
4, 240
utilitarianism 82; government
150; immigration 276;
liberalism 186–8; Mill 39;
Rawls 170n; standard
criticisms 146
utility 78
Utopia 215–16
Utopia(More) 215–16
utopianism 232–4, 253
value: use and exchange 90
values: facts 168–9
van Gogh, T. 341
Veer, D. Van de: Paternalistic
Intervention: The Moral
Bounds of Benevolence 45
Verwoerd, H. 215, 449
Victor Emmanuel III, King 285
Vincent, A.: Modern Political
Ideologies 240
Vindication of the Rights of
Woman(Wollstonecraft) 126
violence: anarchism 248;
categories of 447–8; incitement
to 41; male 349; political 400,
444–64; property 451
Violence and Democratic Society
(Salmi) 447
visionary politics: conservatism
Vocabulary of Politics, The
(Weldon) 18
Voet, R. 127, 132
voter preferences: concentrated in
centre 64 ; two concentrations
voting 63–4; compulsory 107;
denial of 429; rights of women
316; systems 429; technology
Voting Rights Act (USA 1965)
Waldron, J. 160, 343–4
Wannsee Conference (1942) 291
war: just 450; nationalism 285–6,
see alsoWorld War
Wars of Religion: liberalism
Warsaw Pact 213
Washington, W.T. 436
Waugh, E. 227
wealth redistribution taxes 2
Webb, B. 226
Webb, S. 227
Weber, B. 260
Weber, M. 2, 14–16, 23, 25, 28,
Weimar Republic (Germany) 18
Weldon, T.D. 102; The
Vocabulary of Politics 18
welfare: versus resources 71–3
welfare state: anarchism 255;
capitalism 164; opposition 12
welfarism 71
Wells, H.G. 110
West Germany: economic miracle
Western values: modernisation
Westphalia model 111
When Will the State Wither Away
(Parekh) 33
Whiggism 165
White Defence League 297, 299
Who Governs(Dahl) 7
whole-life perspective 72
Wilde, O. 216
will to power(Nietzsche) 60
Williams, B. 150
Williams, R. 133, 136
Wilson, E.O. 272
Wittgenstein, L. 345
Wolf, J. 85
Wolf, N. 320
Wolff, R.P. 241
Wollstonecraft, M. 306, 314–15;
Vindication of the Rights of
Woman 126
women: burqa ban 352–3;
citizenship 126–9; Communist
Party states 319–20; fascism in
Germany 292; guaranteed
income 125; Marx 318; pay
320; Romania 319; Rousseau
314; voting rights 316; work -
changing roles 312–13, see also
Women Under Socialism(Bebel)
Women’s Room, The(French)
World Wars: First (1914–18) 214,
285; Second (1939–45) 285,
289, 445
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 31
Wright, T.: Socialisms 214
xenophobia 298
Ya Basta group 238
Yugoslavia: ethnic cleansing 281
zero-sum game 6
Zetkin, C. 319
Zimbabwe 169; elections (June
2000) 100; political violence
449, see alsoRhodesia
Zimbabwean African National
Union - Patriotic Front
(ZANU-PF) 100, 169, 449
Zinn, H.: Terrorism and War
Zionism 305, 391; Gahlet 392;
Israel 390
Zoubir, Y. 387–9
524 Index