Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

108 Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese Level 1

a. ¥82.00 →

b. ¥37.10 →

c. ¥6.58 →

d. ¥24.90 →

e. ¥99.90 →

f. ¥12.29 →

g. ¥ 362 →

h. ¥111.15 →

i. ¥222.2 →

j. ¥966.9 →

  1. Numbers and prices (Use and Structure notes 6.6, 7.3, 7.9)

Rewrite these prices in English using Arabic numerals (for example, ¥7.8).

a. 四十九 kuài 兩 máo qián →

b. 七十五 kuài 一 →

c. 六十三 kuài 四 máo qián →

d. 一 kuài 五 →

e. 五 kuài 八 máo 一 →

f. 兩 máo qián →

g. 三 bFi 四十 kuài 七 máo 八 fBn qián →

h. 五 bFi 七十二 kuài →

i. 兩 bFi 一十九 kuài 七 →

j. 四 bFi líng 五 kuài 兩 máo qián →

  1. These five books: Specifier + number + classifier + noun (Use and
    Structure note 7.6)

Rewrite the following noun phrases, adding the parenthesized word into the phrase. Translate
your noun phrases to English, as in the example.

Example: 這 bGn shE(五) → 這五 bGn shE these five books

a. 這個 RìbGn 人(兩)


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