Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 7 Workbook 113

f. zhFo / 七 kuài qián / wI / qHng
Please give me seven dollars in change.

  1. Translation challenge I

Translate these sentences and conversations to English.

a. A: 這兩 bGn shE shì 甚麼 shE?

B: 那兩 bGn shE shì 二 niánjí 的 Rìwén shE。

b. A: WI xiFng mFi 那 zhAng dìtú。

B: 哪 zhAng?

c. A: Xièxie,一 gòng 五十八 kuài 六 máo。

B: GGi nH 六十 kuài。

A: ZhFo nH 一 kuài 四。

  1. Translation challenge II

Translate these sentences and conversations to Chinese.

a. I want to buy a fourth-year Chinese book.

b. These two pencils are both very good.

c. Q: Are maps expensive?

A: No. They’re very cheap. ¥2.65 each.

Q: If I buy five can it be a little cheaper?

A: Yes. Five (maps) can be sold for ¥10.

d. A: Here’s ¥20.

B: Here’s ¥14.00 in change.
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