Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

116 Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese Level 1

  1. Paying the bill and making change

Xiao Zhang is shopping. You are given the total of the bill and the amount of money that he
gives to the clerk. Write the mini-dialogue between Xiao Zhang and the clerk, following the

[bill: ¥52.70, customer gives: ¥60]
XiFo ZhAng: 一 gòng duDshao qián?
Fúwùyuán: 五十二 kuài 七 máo qián。
XiFo ZhAng: GGi nH 六十。
Fúwùyuán: ZhFo nH 七 kuài 三。

a. [bill: ¥70, customer gives: ¥100]

b. [bill: ¥8.10, customer gives: ¥9.00]

c. [bill: ¥23.4, customer gives: ¥25]

  1. Question and answers

Match the question/sentence on the left with the appropriate answer/response on the right.

a. ( ) GGi nH 三十 kuài。 A. WI xiFng mFi 一 bGn Déwén shE。

b. ( ) NH yào mFi 甚麼? B. KGyH。十 bGn 二十七 kuài。

c. ( ) 一 gòng duDshao qián? C. 三 zhAng。

d. ( ) MFi 十 bGn kGyH piányi 一 diFn ma? D. 一 gòng 二十五 kuài 八 máo qián。

e. ( ) 一 zhAng dìtú 五 kuài,nH yào mFi 幾 zhAng? E. 那 bGn shE hGn piányi。

f. ( ) 這 bGn shE guì 不 guì? F. ZhFo nH 兩 kuài。

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