Lesson 9 Workbook 161
- Scrambled sentences
Rewrite these phrases as sentences, putting the words in the correct order to match the
English translations.
a. 早 shang / kFoshì / xCngqC 一 / 中文 / 我 / 一個 / xià 個 / 十 diFn bàn / 有
I have a Chinese test next Monday morning at 10:30 a.m.
b. 小謝 / xiFng / 起 chuáng / 五 diFn / 早 shang / jiù / 明 tiAn / 一 kè
Xiao Xie plans to get up at 5:15 tomorrow morning.
c. xiànzài / le / huí / 我 / jiù / sùshè
I am going back to the dorm now.
d. diànhuà / dGi / 我 / gGi / bàba / 我 / dF
I have to call my father.
e. 是 / 你 / 中文 kè / zGn 麼 / 這 / YCng 文 / 可以 / 說
This is Chinese class. How could you (How come you can) speak English?
f. 再見 / xià 個 / 我們 / xCngqC 五
See you next Friday.
- All about question words
Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with one of the following question words.
(Some of these words can be used more than once.) Then, translate your sentences to
1) shéi 2) 甚麼 3) duDshao 4) 幾 5) zGn 麼 6) 哪
a. 你 ____ diFn zhDng dGi huí sùshè zuò gDngkè?
b. 你 hé ____ chC wFnfàn?
c. 小張,你 zài zuò ____?
d. 你 xià 個 xCngqC 一 gòng 有 ____ kFoshì?
e. JCntiAn wFnshang 你 xiFng chC ____。