Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 10 Workbook 183

  1. Pinyin to characters

Rewrite these sentences and conversations, writing the underlined words in Chinese

a. Nà ge rén shì XiFo Xiè de jiGjie ma?NH zGnme rènshi tA?

b. Bù shì。Nà shì wI de ZhDngwén lFoshC。TA xìng ZhAng,shì ZhDngguó rén。HGn duD
xuésheng dDu juéde tA hGn hFo。

  1. Chinese sayings

Rewrite these Chinese sayings in characters to match the English translations. (Rewrite the
words in parentheses in Pinyin.)

a. yIu shuD yIu(xiào) have-speak-have-laughter
= talk and laugh; have a pleasant conversation

b.(wú)zhDng shBng yIu none-middle-be born-have
= fabricated; groundless; all things come into
being from nothing

c. sAn rén(xíng)( bì)yIu wI shC three-person-walk-certainly-have-me-teacher
= When three people walk together, there is
always someone I can learn from. (... there
must be one who is my teacher)

 Focus on structure 

1.  Xiao Zhang’s opinions (Use and Structure notes 10.1, 10.2)

Xiao Xie wants to know Xiao Zhang’s opinions about a number of things. Translate Xiao
Xie’s questions into English and translate Xiao Zhang’s answers into Chinese.

a. 小謝:你 juéde zuótiAn 的 kFoshì 怎麼 yàng?

小張:I thought it was really easy.

b. 小謝:你 juéde 那個 xCn 的 kAfBiguFn 怎麼 yàng?

小張:I think it is too expensive.

c. 小謝:你 juéde 我們的 sùshè 怎麼 yàng?

小張:I think there are too many people.

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