Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 10 Workbook 185

d. 你 jCntiAn hé 老師說話了嗎? → A:

e. 你 jCntiAn gGi 你的 mAma dF diàn 話了嗎? → A:

f. 你 jCntiAn kFo shì 了嗎? → A:

5.  I did it (Use and Structure note 10.7)

At lunchtime, Xiao Zhang made a list of all of the things he did in the morning. Translate
the list to Mandarin.

a. I ate breakfast. →

b. I went to the library. →

c. I studied Chinese grammar. →

d. I wrote twenty Chinese characters. →

e. I took a Chinese test. →

  1. I didn’t do it (Use and Structure note 10.14)

Xiao Zhang has been busily studying for his Chinese test. During lunch he made a list of
things he did not do yesterday because he was studying. Translate his list to Mandarin.

a. I didn’t watch television. →

b. I didn’t listen to music. →

c. I didn’t go to see my friends. →

d. I didn’t drink beer. →

e. I didn’t phone my girlfriend. →

  1. I haven’t done them yet (Use and Structure note 10.14)

Now that Xiao Zhang’s test is over he can catch up on things he needs to do. Here is
a list of things he wants to accomplish today that he has not yet done. Translate his list
to Mandarin.

a. I haven’t yet invited my girlfriend to dinner.

b. I haven’t yet gone to the bookstore to buy notebooks.

c. I haven’t yet phoned my mom.

d. I haven’t yet had (drunk) a coke with my friends.

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