Lesson 14 Workbook 279
- Don’t do it (Use and Structure notes 10.2, 14.7)
Your friend is telling you that he plans to do something and he gives you the reason why.
Tell him that he shouldn’t do it, and that the situation is the opposite from what he believes,
as in the example.
Example: 我想學日文。日文容易。 → Bié 學日文。日文難。
a. 我們想去那個飯館吃飯。那兒的飯好吃。 →
b. 我想 zuò 公 gòng qì 車去。公 gòng qì 車快。 →
c. 我們想 zuò dìtiG 去。DìtiG 站 jìn。 →
d. 我想八點 zhDng 去吃飯。八點 zhDng 人少。 →
e. 我們想去吃日本飯。日本飯 piányi。 →
f. 我想學 FF 文。FF 文的 kFoshì 都很容易。 →
g. 我想去學 xiào 的書店買書。學 xiào 書店的書 piányi。 →
- Making requests by saying “V AdjV 一點” (Use and Structure note 14.2)
Indicate what to say to make the other person change his or her behavior, as in the example.
Example: Your friend speaks too fast. → 請你說慢一點。
a. Your mom wants you to hurry up and finish breakfast.
b. The characters on the blackboard are too small to read, so you ask your teacher to write
them bigger.
c. You are late for class and you want your friend to walk faster.
d. Your father wants you to spend less money on a shopping trip.
e. Your teacher can’t correct your homework because you write everything too small.
f. You’ve cooked a lot of food and your roommate only ate a little bit.