Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 14 Workbook 283

e. You advise your friend not to purchase books at that bookstore because it’s too expensive.

f. You say to your friend, “See you later.”

  1. What are they saying?

Use the context to complete each of the following mini-dialogues.

a. A: 你 chàng gB _____
B: 哪 lH。

b. A: 我現在就去找你,差不多五分 zhDng 到。
B: 好!__ 見!
A: 再見!

c. A: 看了電 yHng _____ 我們去吃飯,怎麼樣?
B: 太好了。

d. A: 你說話說得太快了!
B: 對不起。那,我說 __

  1. Asking for directions

Use this map to answer the questions on the next page. You are at the bookstore,
facing north.

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