Lesson 15 Workbook 291
- First strokes
Write the first two strokes of each of the following characters.
a. 爸 f. 回
b. 您 g. 後
c. 水 h. 今
d. 先 i. 年
e. 坐 j. 朋
- Missing strokes
Complete each character by writing in the missing strokes.
a. xiAn first
b. gAo tall
c. yIu (péngyou friend)
d. mA mom
e. mGi beautiful
f. ba (final particle, suggestion)
g. zi (háizi child)
h. qián (yHqián before)
i. lái come
j. guó country
k. jiào call, be called
5. Total strokes
Rewrite this list of characters, arranging the characters in terms of their total number of
strokes. Begin your list with the character with the fewest strokes.
國 今 前 叫 美 後 您 水 高 先 朋 爸 坐 年 回 媽 子 友 來 吧