Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 15 Workbook 295

 Focus on structure 

1.  Buying gifts for friends (Use and Structure note 15.3)

Xiao Gao has bought gifts in France that she will give to her friends and acquaintances
before she leaves China. Here is a list of people and the gifts she has bought. Write a sentence
for each person saying what she bought to give them as a gift, as in the example.

person: teacher gift: a photograph of France
我買了一張 FF 國 zhàopiàn sòng 給我的老師。

person: gift:
a. Mr. and Mrs. Xie a bottle of French wine
b. Xiao Xie some French music
c. Xiao Ye a few French movies
d. Xiao Zhang a map of France





  1. Do this first (Use and Structure note 15.9)

Each of the following sentences describes something that Xiao Ye plans to do today. Before
she does each of the actions, she has to do the action in parentheses.

■ (^) Rewrite each sentence using 以前 before to say that before she does the action on her list
she has to do the other action, as in the example.
■ (^) Translate each of your sentences to English.
我 kFo 中文。(fùxí gDngkè) → 我 kFo 中文以前得先 fùxí gDngkè。
Before I take the Chinese test, I have to review my course work.
a. 給 jiGjie 打電話 (buy books at the bookstore) →
b. gBn 小王看電 shì (use the internet) →
c. 去小張家吃飯 (buy fruit to give to him as a present) →

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