Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 15 Workbook 299

  1. Translation challenge I

Translate these sentences to English.

a. 來中國以後我們 cháng 看中國電 yHng。

b. 我早就想看那個美國電 yHng 了。

c. 今天我們學了一 xiB xCn 的 Hàn 字。

d. HuAnyíng 你來我們的 sùshè。我給你 jièshào 一下。他是我的 tóngwE。

e. 你 rènshi 他多 jiJ 了?

f. Bié kèqì,suíbiàn 吃。今天我請你們。

g. 小張:今天的 cài zhBn 多。都很好吃。

謝太太:哪 lH,哪 lH。沒甚麼 cài。

  1. Translation challenge II

Translate these sentences to Chinese. Use characters wherever we have learned them.

a. Xiao Zhang: Should we eat Chinese food or French food?

Xiao Xie: Whatever you wish.

b. Inside the park there is a little house. They sell fruit there.

c. I’ve never eaten red-simmered chicken in the USA. Do Chinese restaurants in the USA
make red-simmered dishes?

d. Before you go to Professor Li’s house, you should buy something to give to him (as a

e. Host: Welcome to China. Have you ever been here before?

Guest: Yes. I came here last year.

f. I can only cook a few family-style dishes. I can’t cook other dishes.

g. Xiao Wang: Let’s go to a movie tonight, okay.

Xiao Gao: I’m so embarrassed. I have something to do tonight. How about next week?

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