Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

38 Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese Level 1

b. TAmen huì shuD ZhDngguó huà ma?

c. TA xìng Páng ma?

d. NH jiào MGilì ma?

e. MGiguó rén huì shuD FFguó huà ma?

f. TA shì RìbGn rén ma?

g. NH huì shuD ZhDngguó huà ma?

h. TAmen shì xuésheng ma?

  1. Answering questions (Use and Structure notes 3.4, 3.7)

Answer these questions in complete Mandarin sentences using the information in
parentheses, as in the example. Don’t forget to change the pronoun where appropriate.

TA shì nFguó rén? (ZhDngguó) → TA shì ZhDngguó rén.

a. TA jiào shénme míngzì? (GAo MGilì)

b. NH shì nFguó rén? (RìbGn)

c. Déguó rén huì bù huì shuD YCngguó huà? (huì)

d. NH huì shuD nFguó huà? (ZhDngguó huà hé RìbGn huà)

e. TA xìng shénme jiào shénme míngzì? (Zhào FAngchéng)

f. NH xìng shénme jiào shénme míngzì? (ZhAng Dàwéi)

g. NH shì bù shì lFoshC? (shì)

h. TAmen dDu shì nFguó rén? (MGiguó)

  1. Asking questions (Use and Structure notes 2.4, 3.2, 3.7)

Here are the answers. Provide the questions, using the question form in parentheses, as in
the example. Don’t forget to change the pronoun where appropriate.

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