Lesson 6 Workbook 83
1.3. Neutral tone in two-syllable words and phrases
tAmen hBde kAizhe mAma
lái le zánmen xuésheng mántou
wFnshang jiGjie huIshao sFozi
rìzi kànjian yuèliang shàngtou
1.4. Tones in three-syllable words and phrases
túshEguFn dàxuéshBng
tHyùchFng bàngDngshì
xué zhDngwén tCng lùyCn
zuò gDngkè xiG hànzì
kàn diànyHng hB píjiJ
dF diànhuà kAi qìchB
- Listen and identify
2.1. Single-syllable tones
Complete each syllable by writing in the tone that is spoken in the recording. Be careful to
put the tone mark on the correct vowel.
a. lao b. sheng c. xue d. kao e. niang
f. zhe g. lai h. hen i. bu j. qun
k. shi l. zi m. huang n. zhui o. ci
p. lian q. sun r. shun s. chong t. shu
2.2. Two-syllable tones
Complete each syllable by writing in the tone that is spoken in the recording. Be careful to
put the tone mark on the correct vowel.
a. shoudu b. xuewen c. youxiu d. jiangjin
e. zancheng f. wenhua g. niandao h. jieguo
i. shanshui j. yingjun k. chansheng l. shejiao
m. tiaojian n. qingchu o. jiaoyu p. chengshi