An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



aaba form, 148, 149, 379, 454, 455
abolitionist movement, 151–56, 159 ,
162 c, 225
abortion, 538
Abraxas (Santana), 469
Abstract Expressionism, 395
Academy of Music (New York), 183
Acadians, 519
accelerando, 156
accessibility, concept of, 109, 122, 146,
297, 324, 406, 410, 431, 551
accordion, 518, 521, 523
Achille Lauro terrorism incident, 552
Acony Records, 540
acoustics, 196–98, 284, 491–92
“Act Naturally” (Owens), 458
Acuff, Roy, 343
Adams, John (composer), 497–98, 502,
513, 552
Adams, Samuel, 35
Adderley, Julian “Cannonball,” 441
Adventure (magazine), 349
Adventures of Robin Hood, The (fi lm), 363
advertising and promotion
of popular songs, 176
for public concerts, 55, 113
Aeolian Hall (New York), 318
Aeolian Harp (Cowell), 284
Aerosmith, 512
of bebop, 397
conservatism, 311, 391
European standards of, 68, 118,
128, 130, 145, 183, 184, 305,
307, 551
of folk songs, 218
of Gottschalk, 128
of Ives, 198–99, 201, 204
of jazz, 298, 532–33, 535
of MacDowell, 194–95
of modernism, 280
of musicals, 406

of new music, 280
of rock and roll, 425
affi rmative action, 495
African American music; see also blues;
gospel music; hip-hop; jazz;
ragtime; rap; rhythm and
blues; soul music; spirituals
blaxploitation, 478–79
commonalities with rural
African music, 88
Dvor ̆ák’s views on, 195
early traditions, 86–87, 92–104
folk songs collected by Lomax, 349
infl uence on Gottschalk, 123,
infl uence on Porg y and Bess, 323
infl uence on Presley, 427
MacDowell’s views on, 195–96
musicals in 1970s, 485
in 1970s, 477–82
popular music and, 238–42,
praise as concept in, 68
slave songs, 86–90
African American people
as bandleaders, 95, 249–50, 252,
257, 298–303, 376–79
civil rights movement,
430–31, 439
class consciousness of, 338
as composers, 92, 238–45, 257–58,
299–303, 324–25, 338–41,
400, 533–34
dances of, 48
demographics of, 294
early professional musicians,
87, 95
enslavement of. See slavery
as entrepreneurs, 324, 338,
341, 463
Harlem Renaissance movement,

holiday celebrations of, 92–94, 97
northern migration of, 290, 294
as record producers, 463
as show business performers, 177,
242, 244–45
slavery of, 20
social clubs of, 239
voting rights and citizenship,
162 c
African Melodists, 135
African Methodist Episcopal Church
(A ME), 92, 338
African peoples
cultural survivals in America, 86
and origins of banjo, 94
Afrika Bambaataa, 512
Afro-American Symphony (Still), 254c,
Afro-beat, 463
Afro-Cuban jazz, 403
“After the Ball” (Harris), 178 , 178–80
Agon (Stravinsky), 390
Ainsworth, Henry, 26 , 26–27
Aitken, John, 107
Alabama, 257
A lbany, New York, Pinkster Celebra-
tion in, 93–94, 96
album, in African American music in
the 1970s, 477
album-oriented rock (AOR), 473
albums (LP), 405, 413
A lcott family, 201
aleatoric music, 395
Alexander, Willard, 377
“Alexander’s Ragtime Band” (Berlin),
245–48, 318
Alice Cooper, 473, 478, 506
“All Coons Look Alike to Me” (Hogan),
163 c, 244
Allen, O. K., 350
Allen, Richard, 18c, 92, 92
A llen, William Francis, 225, 226

Italic page numbers indicate illustrations. Page numbers followed by c indicate chronology entries.

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