An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Bach family, 41
backbeat, 291, 421
back phrasing, 381, 383
Backstreet Boys, 536
Bad Brains, 508
“Bad Girls,” 481
Bad Religion, 508
Baez, Joan, 434, 437 , 439
bajo sexto, 518–19
Baker, Dorothy, 297
Baker, LaVerne, 421
Baker, Theodore, 162c, 194, 210
Bakersfi eld, California, 457–58
Bakersfi eld sound, 457–58, 475
Balanchine, George, 130
Balfa, Dewey, 521
Balfa Brothers, 521
ballad operas, 58–59
ballad(s), 246, 266, 267
ballads, British; see also broadside
in America, 217–18
Child canon, 216–18
ballads, popular, 150–51, 220–21, 246
ballet, 112, 311
balls, 49, 98, 114, 116
Baltimore, Maryland
early professional musicians
in, 44
music publishing in, 107
opera in, 112
theater in, 60
Bamboula (Gottschalk), 125
Bananarama, 501
bananier, Le (Gottschalk), 125
banda, 518
“Band Played On, The,” 181
bands; see also dance bands and
African American, 95, 249–50,
252, 257
amateur, 164–65, 170, 172
circus, 170, 197
gypsy, 249
instrumentation of, 115, 168
nineteenth century, 115–17, 123,
professional, 95, 164–68, 170–72,
repertory of, 116, 166, 239
school, 166
string, 415–16
banjo, 94
black performers of, 93, 96
in bluegrass, 415
college clubs for, 172
in dance music performance, 123
evoked in Gottschalk’s The Banjo,
126, 127
in fi lm scores, 500
fi ve-string, 357, 415, 432
in folk song, 433
in jazz, 287, 409
in jug bands, 337
in minstrel shows, 134–36, 142

origins of, 94
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319
in string bands, 266
Banjo, The: An American Sketch
(Gottschalk), 125 , 125–27
Banshee, The (Cowell), 284, 285
Baptist Church, 83, 103, 338
black congregations, 92
Barber, Samuel, 306, 390 , 391, 410,
446, 552
Barber of Seville, The (Rossini), 110
Barbershop Harmony Society, 342
barbershop quartets, 342
Barnet, Charlie, 295
Barnum, Phineas Taylor, 19c, 113
Baroque Variations (Foss), 447
barrelhouse piano, 337
Barry, Jeff, 452
Barry, Phillips, 220
Bartók, Béla, 280, 311, 318, 389
Basie, William “Count,” 255c, 376–80,
377 , 548
bass (electric). See electric bass
bass drum, 115, 116
bass guitar, 540
bass viol. See double bass
“Batdance,” 501
Batman (fi lm), 501–4, 502
“Battle Cry of Freedom, The” (Root),
157, 158, 199, 223, 367
“Battle-Hymn of the Republic” (Howe),
157, 223
Baum, L. Frank, 364
“Bay mir bistu sheyn,” 527
Bay Psalm Book, 18c, 27–28, 92
b-boying, 509
b-boys, 509
Beach, Amy Cheney (Mrs. H. H. A.),
163 c, 185, 187–89, 189
Beach, Dr. Henry H. A., 187
Beach Boys, the, 454
Beastie Boys, the, 545
beat (hip-hop), 510, 546
beat juggling, 508
Beatles, the, 441, 453, 454, 458, 472,
482, 497, 504, 548
beatmatching, 508
Beat movement, 434, 435
Beauregard Square (New Orleans), 98;
see also Congo Square
Beausoleil, 521
“Beautiful Dreamer” (Foster), 502
bebop, 396–400, 532
Bechet, Sidney, 287, 443
Bee Gees, 479
beer gardens, 177
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 83, 535
Heinrich compared to, 124
orchestral works of, 119–21, 184
Beetlejuice (fi lm), 501–2
Beggar’s Opera, The (Gay), 58–60
“Begin the Beguine” (Porter), 378
beguine, 403
Beiderbecke, Leon “Bix,” 297 , 297–98,

Beissel, Conrad, 39–40
Belafonte, Harry, 432
Bellini, Vincenzo, 111
bells, in African American music, 88
Below, Fred, 426
“Be My Baby” (Spector, Greenwich,
and Barry), 452
Benavides, A lonso de, 21
benefi t concerts, 56, 60
Benjamin, Rick, 251
Bennett, S. Fillmore, 174
Bennett, William, 537
Bentley, William, 36
Benton, Thomas Hart, 310
Benton, Tom, 409
Berg, Alban, 307, 311, 324, 391
Berglund, George, 154
Berio, Luciano, 447
Berklee College of Music, 540
Berkshire Music Center (Lenox), 306
Berlin, Irving, 245 , 245–48, 318, 344,
355, 365, 414, 414 , 501, 527
musicals of, 407
working method of, 245–46
Berlioz, Hector, 184
Bernstein, Elmer, 371
Bernstein, Leonard, 389, 406, 406 ,
407, 485, 486, 550
Berry, Chuck, 425, 430, 453, 454
“Bess, You Is My Woman Now” (Gersh-
win), 323
Bethel Church (Philadelphia), 92
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 40–41
Bethune, Thomas (“Blind Tom”), 237
Beverly Hills Cop (fi lm), 501
“Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered”
(Rodgers and Hart), 371
B-52s, the, 473
b-girls, 509
Bigard, Barney, 299, 329
big bands, 376; see also specifi c bands/
bandleaders, e.g.: Goodman,
Big Boy Records, 544
Big Brother and the Holding
Company, 456
“Big Ten Inch” (Jackson), 424
Bikel, Theodore, 437
Bikini Kill, 539
Billboard (magazine), 344, 346, 373,
421, 429, 430
Bill Haley and the Comets, 430
“Billie Jean” (Jackson), 505
Billings, William, 18c, 34–38, 41, 63, 66
Billy the Kid (Copland), 311, 367, 371
binary form, 50, 393, 394
“Bird in a Gilded Cage, A” (Lamb and
Von Tilzer), 181 , 182
“Birds of Fire” (Mahavishnu Orchestra
composition), 483–85
Birds of Fire (Mahavishnu Orchestra
LP), 483
“Birmingham Sunday” (Fariña), 434
Bishop, Henry Rowley, 60, 147, 221
“Bist du bei mir,” 447–49

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