An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Marshall Mathers LP, The (Eminem), 544
Martin, George, 453
Martin, Roberta, 339–41
Martin, Sallie, 339
Marx, Harpo, 178
Maryland, early black music making
in, 96; see also Baltimore
“Maryland, My Maryland,” 156–57
mash-up, 548–49
Mason, Daniel Gregory, 80
Mason, Henry, 80
Mason, Lowell, 18c, 19c, 76–84, 106, 118,
174, 198
as educator, 69, 78–79, 120
fi nancial acumen of, 79–80,
118, 341
works of, 77–82
Mason, Lowell, Jr., 80
Mason and Hamlin (instrument
makers), 19c, 80
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 27–28
Massachusetts Institute of Technolog y
(MIT), 497
Mass in E-fl at (Beach), 188
mass media, 424; see also radio; sound
recordings; television
culture of, 535
Mather, Cotton, 31, 36, 45
Mather, Increase, 48
Mathers, Marshall (Eminem), 544
Matthews, Dave, 538
maxixe, 403
“Maybellene,” 425, 430
Mayfi eld, Curtis, 479, 543
“May Irwin’s Bully Song”
(Trevathan), 244
Mayn Malkele, 527
MC (hip-hop term), 509, 510
MC5, the, 473
MCA (booking agency), 377
McAuliffe, Leon, 346, 348
McCarthy, Joseph, 431
McGee, Brownie, 350
MC Hammer, 544
McIntosh County, Georgia, 101
McIntosh County Shouters, 102
McKinley, William, 266
McKiver, Lawrence, 102
McLaughlin, John, 483–85
McMillan, Vic, 398, 399
MEA R (psalm tune), 70
mechanical royalties, 163c, 322
Mechanics’ Hall (New York), 142
medicine shows, 265
Meet the Beatles (LP), 453
Megadeth, 506, 507 , 538
Meistersinger, Die (Wagner), 324
Mel, Melle (Melvin Glover), 510, 511
melisma, in “If I Had a Hammer,” 433
Mellotron, 540
melodrama, 231, 361
in Anglo-American folk song, 217
in barbershop quartets, 342
Beach’s Gaelic Symphony, 189

Chadwick’s Symphonic Sketches, 187
Chester, 36
Danks’s “Silver Threads among
the Gold,” 172–73
“Deep River,” 229
Emmett’s “Dixie,” 159
Foster’s “De Camptown Races,” 140
Foster’s “Jeanie with the Light
Brown Hair,” 148
Harris’s After the Ball, 180
Harris’s “After the Ball,” 178
Herbert’s “I’m Falling in Love
with Someone,” 234
in jazz, 291
Kittredge’s “Tenting on the Old
Camp Ground,” 160
MacDowell’s Woodland Sketches, 193
Native American music, 211
Old Hundred, 26
Olivet, 81
in operetta, 233
in parlor music, 147
Peter’s Ich will dir ein Freudenopfer
thun, 41–42
Phile’s “Hail Columbia,” 55
Root’s “Battle Cry of Freedom,” 157
in Sousa marches, 168, 170
Memphis, Tennessee, 257–58, 324,
427–29, 463, 479
“Memphis Blues” (Handy), 257–59
Mendelssohn, Felix, 83, 184
orchestral works of, 122, 126
vocal works of, 338
Menotti, Gian Carlo, 390 , 391, 410
Men’s Tradition Dance, 516
Mercer, Johnny, 415
Mercury Records, 413
“Merrily Danc’d the Quaker,” 72
Merry Widow, The (Lehar), 233
“Message, The” (Grandmaster Flash
and the Furious Five), 510–12
Messiaen, Olivier, 306
Messiah (Handel), 77, 83, 118
mestizos, 21
Metallica, 506, 538, 547
Metcalf, Louis, 302
Methodist Church, 103; see also African
Methodist Episcopal Church
black congregations, 92
Methodist Error (Watson), 103
metrical psalms, 26–28
metric modulation, 492, 493
Metro-Goldw yn-Mayer, 364
Metropolitan Opera (New York), 115,
232–33, 233 , 306, 309, 367,
387 c, 532, 550
company tours of, 232
performances of American
operas, 446
radio broadcasts, 307, 427
Mexican people, 222–23
Mexico, 518–19
conquest of, 21
portrayed in Copland’s El salon
Mexico, 310

Meyers, Augie, 519
Miami Indian nation, 208
Michael, David Moritz, 41
Mickey Mouse, 363–64
microtonality, 490–94
Middlesex Collection of Church Musick; or,
Ancient Psalmody Revived, 67
Middlesex Musical Society, 66
“Midnight Special, The” (Leadbelly),
Miles, Franklin, 196
Miley, James “Bubber,” 299, 301, 302
military music, 115, 123, 165–66, 252
Civil War, 116, 164
colonial period, 52–55
Miller, Glenn, 378
Miller, Lewis, 96
Miller, Mitch, 413–15, 414 , 452
Miller, Randy, 51
Miller, Rodney, 51
Mills, Irving, 299
Milton Brown’s Musical Brownies, 346
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 178
Mingus, Charles, 400, 406, 441, 443
Mingus Ah Um (Mingus), 400
minimalism, 446, 449–51, 487, 489–90,
496, 498, 552–53
“Minstrel Return’d from the War, The”
(Hewitt), 147
minstrel shows, 123, 132–44, 236,
246, 544
band instrumentation, 135–36
black performers in, 95, 237,
238, 242
and dissemination of songs,
early groups, 134–35
elements in, 133
gangsta rap and, 543
ground rules of, 135
later groups, 144
programming, 134
song plugging by, 176
songs, 137–45, 155, 159
yodeling in, 271
minuet, 48
“Miserlou,” 454
Mission: Impossible (T V series), 500
to African Americans, 96, 97
critical views of, 224
to Native Americans, 20–22, 24
Mississippi, 257, 437
Mississippi Rag (Krell), 239
Mississippi State Penitentiary at
Parchman, 89–90, 352
“Miss Lucy Long,” 141
Missouri. See Kansas City; Sedalia
“Mr. Tambourine Man” (Dylan),
439, 456
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of
Te c h n o lo g y), 4 9 7
Mitchell, Anaïs, 539
Mitchell, George, 292
Mitchell, Joni, 474, 539

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