An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


New-England Psalm-Singer: or,
American Chorister (Billings),
18 c, 34–38, 35
New France, 22, 24
New Hampshire Band, 116
New Hampshire Music Teachers’
Association, 189
New Hutchinson Family Singers, 154
New Jersey, shape-note singing in, 71;
see also Orange; Princeton;
Red Bank
New Lost City Ramblers, 432, 434
Newman, A lfred, 363
New Masses, 337
New Mexico, 18c; see also Southwest
New Moon, The (Romberg), 234
New Musical Resources (Cowell), 284
New Music Quarterly, 286
“New Negro,” 227
New Orleans, Louisiana
Congo Square, 98–100, 99 , 123, 125
early black musical life in,
97–100, 519
Gottschalk’s childhood in, 123, 125
jazz in, 286–87, 290, 293–94,
396, 532
Wynton Marsalis and, 532
opera in, 18c, 111, 114, 123, 125, 286
as operetta setting, 234
theater in, 60
touring groups in, 123, 165
New Orleans Serenaders, 135
New Philharmonia Orchestra, 369
Newport, Rhode Island, Election Day
in, 93, 94
Newport Folk Festival, 386c, 437,
439, 521
Newport Jazz Festival, 386c, 405
New Romanticism, 446–49, 496
New Sense of Sound, The (Rudhyar), 282
New Spain, 21–22
New Theater (Chestnut Street Theater,
Philadelphia), 107
Newton, John, 72
New Version of the Psalms of David (Brady
and Tate), 26
New Wave, 463, 473 , 473–74, 499,
506, 536
New World Symphony (Dvor ̆ák), 195,
227, 325
New York (state), shape-note singing
in, 71; see also Albany
New York City
avant-garde in, 395
avant-garde infl uence on rock, 473
balls in, 9
blackface minstrelsy in, 135
blues publishing in, 258
Broadway musicals in, 246,
275–79, 372–73, 406–10
concerts in, 113, 122, 125, 185, 192,
282, 354–55
dance bands and orchestras in,
298, 377
and development of swing, 375

early professional musicians
in, 44
entertainment industry in, 172
ethnic diversity of, 177
Greenwich Village folk scene,
Harlem, 299, 301, 377, 450
hip-hop in, 508
integrated congregations in, 90
jazz in, 291, 396–400, 397, 532
Latin jazz in, 403
lectures in, 126
music publishing in, 107
new music scene in, 446
opera in, 110–13, 115, 232–33, 490
operetta in, 233
orchestras in, 122, 126, 183–84
publishing in, 79, 162c, 174, 176–78;
see also Tin Pan Alley
Ragtime Championship of the
World, 244
Jimmie Rodgers’s recording
sessions in, 271
sacred music in, 83, 119
as setting for West Side Story, 407
theater in, 58, 60
urban folk song in, 358–59
vaudeville in, 177
New York City Ballet, 130
New York Clipper, 176
New Yorker magazine, 405
New York Philharmonic Society, 19c,
124, 192, 306, 329, 330, 363 ,
447, 550–51
founding of, 121
programming choices of, 126
New York State Institution for the
Blind, 83
New York Sun, 322
New York World’s Fair (1939), 367
“Nice Work If You Can Get It”
(Gershwin), 318
Nicholson, Jack, 500, 502
Night of the Four Moons (Crumb), 447
Nine Inch Nails, 537
“1913 Massacre” (Guthrie), 435
Nirvana, 537
Nixon, Pat, 498
Nixon, Richard M., 469, 498
Nixon in China (Adams), 498, 498 , 552
Noble, Ray, 397
“No Depression in Heaven,” 539
No Depression magazine, 539
“No More Auction Block,” 436
nondiegetic music, 362, 502
nonintention, 395
non-Western music, 286
Noone, Jimmie, 409
norteño (Tex-Mex) music, 518–21
North Carolina
Anglo-American folk song in, 217
early black music making in, 96
Northeast; see also New England
early black music making in, 90,
92–94, 96

French in, 24
slavery in, 90
Northeastern University (Boston,
Massachusetts), 546
Northern Plains Indians, 212–15, 515
Not a Pretty Girl (DiFranco), 539
notation, composer’s authority and,
108–10, 551; see also literacy,
musical; shape-note
Notorious B.I.G., the, 544
Notturno für Orchester (Griffes), 282
Nova Scotia, 519
novelty songs, 232, 246, 413–14
“Now” (Sondheim), 487
“Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue”
(Ramones), 473
*NSY NC, 536
“Nuyoricans,” 403
N.W.A. (Niggaz with Attitude), 543
Nyro, Laura, 539

Oberlin College, 227
Oberlin Conservatory, 228, 238, 324
oboe, 50
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319
O Brother Where Art Thou? (fi lm), 540
O’Connor, Mark, 550
Octandre (Varèse), 282
Of Mice and Men (fi lm), 367, 368
“Oh, Doctor Jesus” (Gershwin), 323
“Oh, Lady Be Good” (Gershwin), 275
Ohio, shape-note singing in, 71, 73; see
also Cincinnati; Cleveland
“Oh London Is a Fine Town” (ballad), 59
Oingo Boingo, 501
O’Jays, the, 478
Ojibwa Indian nation, 208–9
Okeh Records, 260, 263
“Okies,” 458
Oklahoma, 344, 346, 354, 515
Oklahoma! (Rodgers and Hammerstein),
255 c, 372 , 372–75, 406
“Old Dan Tucker” (minstrel song), 137,
141, 152, 153, 156
“Old Folks at Home” (Foster), 95, 122,
143, 143 , 155, 197, 199, 236,
246, 248
“Old Hen Cackled and the Rooster’s
Going to Crow, The”
(Carson), 263
Old Hundred (psalm tune), 20, 26 ,
26–27, 66, 67, 74
“Old Joe Clark,” 359
“Old Man River” (Kern and
Hammerstein), 275–76
“old-time music,” 263, 264
Old version of the Psalms (Sternhold
and Hopkins), 26
“Old Way” of singing, 28–31, 92
Oliver, Joe “King,” 287–89, 294–96,
298, 301
Oliver Ditson & Co., 145, 174, 176
Oliveros, Pauline, 498
Olivet (hymn tune), 81 , 81–82

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