An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
people; his disturbed, unresponsive wife, Barbara
(Allison Janney); and their teenage son, Ricky (Wes
Bentley), who is part student, part drug dealer,
part poet (he shoots moody videos featuring dead
birds and plastic bags in the wind), and even
though his father abuses him terribly, the most sta-
ble and happy person in the film. The Fittses’ is a
more modest house, also immaculately kept, no
doubt reflecting Frank’s military background. They
appear to be less materialistic and have not tried to
keep up with the Burnhams—their chairs are cov-
ered in plastic, Barbara does not bring home a sec-
ond income—and they have no pretensions to style.
Inside Frank’s den, a locked cabinet holds a gun
collection and a dinner plate from Hitler’s private





American Beautyuses color for symbolic emphasis
The color red appears often in American Beauty, [1]
sometimes subtly punctuating a shot, as in this image of the

Burnhams’ home, and [2] sometimes dominating the frame,
as in this image from one of Lester’s many fantasies about
Angela (Mena Suvari).

An attractive house in American Beautycannot
conceal the marital disharmony inside The members
of the Burnham family are surrounded by a picture-perfect
decor that many Americans dream of. This aspect of the
mise-en-scène makes the psychological distance between
them all the more striking. They have attained the outward
appearances of the American dream, but at what cost?
[1] The decor of the Burnhams’ dining room reflects Carolyn’s
pretensions to formality: drapes, curtains, framed pictures, a
tablecloth (with place mats to protect it), candles, and each
person seated in a specific place at the table. Somewhat
oddly, though, the floor is bare (a touch of coldness?).
[2] When Lester has been drinking beer and then attempts
to make love to Carolyn on the sofa, she worries that he will
spill the beer. [3] In the ensuing argument, this element of
decor provides a defining moment for them both. Carolyn
shrieks, “It’s a $4,000 sofa upholstered with Italian silk!” to
which Lester responds, “This isn’t life—it’s just stuff!”


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