An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Lee, Spike, 260, 261,311, 322, 474
Do the Right Thing, 319
Malcolm X, 517
“Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The”
(Irving), 211
Léger, Fernand, Ballet mécanique,
77,79, 446–47
Lehman, Ernest, 155
Leigh, Janet, 42, 270,271, 297, 365
Leigh, Jennifer Jason, 304–5
Leigh, Mike, 321
Vera Drake, 22
Leigh, Vivien, 191, 193, 453
Leisen, Mitchell, 182
Easy Living,182, 452
Le Million(Clair), 108, 398
Lemmon, Jack, 154,314, 316
L’Enfant(Dardenne and Dardenne),
57,457, 517
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 448
Lennon, John, 281
lenses, 244–47,245, 247,254–56,
defined, 244
and focus, 245–46, 245
images produced by, 245
images produced by various, 247
Leo, Melissa, 145
Leonard, Robert Z., 496
Leone, Sergio, 354–55, 415, 415,
469, 469
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,
Once upon a Time in America, 93
Once Upon a Time in the West, 105
Leopard, The(Visconti), 173, 174–76,
LeRoy, Mervyn, 254
Little Caesar, 93
Le Samouraï(Melville), 93
Lesnie, Andrew, 282, 283
Lester, Richard, A Hard Day’s
Night, 462
Leterrier, François, 398
Leth, Jørgen, 351, 353
Letter, The(Wyler), 306, 307
Let the Right One In(Alfredson),
59, 102
Leverett, George, 401
Levine, Ted, 42, 44
Levinson, Barry, 281
Lewis, Brad, Cars 2, 85
Lewis, Cameron, 405
Lewis, Jerry, 143
Lewis, Jon, 485

Lewis, Richard J., Barney’s Vision, 290
L’Herbier, Marcel, L’Argent, 447
Li, Jet, 469
Libatique, Matthew, 231, 277
Libertine, The(Dunmore), 293
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp(Powell
and Pressburger), 200
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The
(Anderson), 404
Life is Sweet(Leigh), 321
Life of an American Fireman(Porter),
Life of Moses, The(Blackton), 442
Life of Oharu, The(Mizoguchi), 466
light, lighting, 48,185–87,188,
from above, 242
backlight and, 241, 241
from below, 241
direction of, 237–38,238–42, 239
edge lights and, 241
effect on acting, 323
and Halloween lighting, 241
high-key, 238
and high-key lighting, 240–41, 240
and lighting ratio, 240
low-key, 238
and low-key lighting, 240–41
quality of, 238
rim lights and, 241
sources of, 237–38,237–38,239,
240, 241, 242, 243
three-point system, 238–39,
240, 244
lighting ratio, 240
Lights of New York, The(Foy), 451
Limey, The(Soderbergh), 8, 126, 348
Lin, Justin, Fast Five, 85
Linden, Edward, 279
Linder, Max, 108, 445
Lindley, John, 236
line producers, 497
linkage, 449
Linklater, Richard:
A Scanner Darkly,82, 145
Slacker, 69
Linney, Laura, 311
Lions Gate Studios, 505
Liotta, Ray, 269, 273
Lipton, Rex, 400
Lisberger, Steven, 280
Little Big Man(Penn), 105, 314
Little Caesar(LeRoy), 93
Little Foxes, The(Wyler), 256, 256,
306,307, 326

Little Shop of Horrors(Oz), 108
Little Zizou(Taraporevala), 472
Litvak, Anatole, 331
Liu, Lucy, 313
Lives of Others, The(Henckel von
Donnersmarck), 144, 228
live theater, compared to cinema, 5
Lloyd, Danny, 185, 273
Lloyd, Harold, 108, 442
Lloyd, Phyllida, Mamma Mia!, 107
Loach, Ken, Kes, 462
location, 183, 184
Lockwood, Gary, 209, 210
Logan, Bruce, 280
Logan, John, 148
Lola Montès(Ophüls), 266, 319
Lolita(Kubrick), 304
Lolita(Lyne), 422
Loncraine, Richard, Richard III, 305
London Films, 200
Lone, John, 157
Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner,
The(Richardson), 462
Lonely Are the Brave(Miller), 105
Lonesome Cowboys(Warhol), 81
Lone Star(Sayles), 517
Long Distance Wireless Photography
(Méliès), 440
Longest Day, The(Annakin, Marton,
and Wicki), 156
long-focal-length lens, 245
long shot, 251, 252
long take, 151, 277–79, 278,323–26,
Long Voyage Home, The(Ford), 254
looping, 392
Lopez, Jennifer, 312,313, 348, 349, 367
Loquasto, Santo, 197
Lord of the Ringsmovies (Jackson),
23, 115, 145, 193, 199, 282,
283, 291, 309, 326, 404
Lords of Dogtown(Hardwicke), 404
Lorre, Peter, 315,318–19
Losey, Joseph, The Servant, 462
Los Muertos(Alonso), 325n
Lost Highway(Lynch), 96
Lost in Translation(S. Coppola), 90
Lost World, The(Hoyt), 112, 279
loudness, 394
Louiso, Todd, Love Liza, 228
Love and Death(Allen), 210
Love in the Time of Cholera(Newell),
L o v e j o y, R a y, 3 6 5 , 366
Love Liza(Louiso), 228

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