An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Private Life of Henry VIII(Korda),
Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex,
The(Curtiz), 193, 307
Probyn, Brian, 258
processing, 486
process shots, 280
producers, 495–500,502–3
associate or assistant, 502
central, 495
executive, 502
line, 497, 502
maverick, 517
women as, 496
Producers, The(Brooks), 109
Producers, The(Stroman), 109
Producers Releasing Corporation,
producer-unit system, 495–98, 497
costs of, 503, 507
design in, 180–83, 180 n
movie, 493–94
sound mixer, 391
systems, seeHollywood
production systems
values, 242
Production Code Administration
(PCA), 452
production process, 484
projecting, 486
Prokofiev, Sergei, 405, 449
Prometheus, 182
propaganda films, 448, 449, 455
Propellerheads, 405
properties (props), 183–87
properties of the shot,
propoganda films, 72–73, 72–73
protagonists, 11, 91–92, 94, 97, 100,
103, 103, 104, 129
Proulx, Annie, 2, 110
Proust, Marcel, 80
Prouty, Olive Higgins, 331
Providence(Resnais), 400
proxemics, 210
proximity, 248–52
Psycho(Hitchcock), 41–42, 99, 297,
365, 417
Public Enemies(Mann), 293
Public Enemy, The(Wellman), 93
Pudovkin, Vsevolod I., 194, 303, 349,
Mother, 449

pull-down claw, 487
Pulp Fiction(Tarantino), 138, 139,146,
231, 345
Pursall, David, 156

“Qatsi” trilogy (Reggio), 277
Quaid, Dennis, 174, 517
Qualen, John, 46
quality, of sound, 395
Quay, Stephen and Timothy, The
Comb, 112
Queen Christina(Mamoulian), 318
Queen Elizabeth(Desfontaines and
Mercanton), 295
Queen Kelly(von Stroheim), 191, 197,
Que Viva México(Eisenstein), 449
Quiet American, The(Noyce), 289
Quinn, Anthony, 312
Quo Vadis?(Guazzoni), 442

Rabbit Hole(Mitchell), 306
Rabinowitz, Jay, 341
rack focus, 246, 246
Radcliffe, Daniel, 23
Radiohead, 404
Rafelson, Bob:
Five Easy Pieces,474–75
The Postman Always Rings Twice,
Rage Against the Machine, 405
Raging Bull(Scorsese), 145, 152,277,
402, 403
Raimi, Sam:
Drag Me to Hell, 102
The Evil Dead, 102
The Evil Dead II, 102
A Simple Plan, 469
Rainer, Luise, 311
Rains, Claude, 123, 147, 255, 364
Raise the Red Lantern(Zhang),
201, 468
Raising Arizona(Coen and Coen),
91, 367
Rake’s Progress, A(Hogarth), 212
Raksin, David, 404, 407
Ramos, Timothy Andrew, California
Indian, 314
Ran(Kurosawa), 201, 465, 466,
Raphaelson, Samson, 399

Rapper, Irving, 365, 367
The Corn Is Green, 307
Now, Voyager, 307
Rashomon(Kurosawa), 148, 464,
Ratatouille(Bird and Pinkava),
111, 181
rating system, 70, 511, 512, 514
Ratner, Brett, Rush Hourmovies,
Ratoff, Gregory, 499
Ravenous(Bird), 108
Ray, Man, Emak-Bakia,79, 446
Ray, Nicholas, 179, 304, 459
Johnny Guitar, 105
Rebel without a Cause, 465
Ray, Satyajit, 137, 172, 179, 200–201,
226, 322, 401, 457, 461,
471–72, 471, 477
Agantuk, 472
Aparajito,471, 471
Apar Sansar,471, 471
Charulata, 472
Devi, 472
Ghare-Baire, 472
Pather Panchali,471, 471
Shatranj-ke-Khilari, 472
Razor’s Edge, The(Goulding), 499
RCA, 498
Rea, Stephen, 263, 405
realism, 57, 58, 197
and antirealism, 56,56–60,58,
205, 358
and neorealism, 200, 200
real time, 150–53,153,275, 277
real-time relationship, 151, 153
rear projection, 280
Rear Window(Hitchcock), 126, 174,
175,315, 368, 368
Rebecca(Hitchcock), 499
Rebel Without a Cause(N. Ray),
304, 465
Rec(Balagueró), 102
recording, 391, 394
Redbourn, Michael, 416
Redbox machines, 2
Red Desert, The(Antonioni), 409
Redford, Robert, 311
Redgrave, Vanessa, 314
Red River(Hawks and Rosson), 105,
110, 155
Red Shoes, The(Powell and
Pressburger), 200
Red Sorghum(Zhang), 201

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