An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Whale, James, 193, 195,197,
211–12, 211,241, 263,
263,313, 415
Bride of Frankenstein, 101
Frankenstein, 99
Whales of August, The(Anderson),
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
(Aldrich), 301, 307
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
(Hallström), 292
Whedon, Joss, 110
Serenity, 110
Whelan, Tim, 200
Where the Wild Things Are
(Jonze), 82
Whitaker, Forest, 263, 313
White Heat(Walsh), 92, 93
Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt, 498
Whitney, John, Matrix I, 81
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
(Zemeckis), 281
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
(Nichols), 302
Wicki, Bernhard, 156
wide-angle lens, 244
Widescreen Cinema(Belton), 434
Wiene, Robert, 195,197, 199, 234
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari,99,
196,444, 445, 446
Wiest, Dianne, 311
Wife vs. Secretary(Brown), 496
wigs, 193–94, 193
Wilcox, Fred M., Forbidden Planet,
Wild Bunch, The(Peckinpah), 105,
368, 469,474, 475
Wilde, Hagar, 399
Wilder, Billy, 93, 154,197, 237, 245,
314, 331, 345, 400
Ace in the Hole, 96
The Apartment,130–31
Double Indemnity,47, 94, 129
Some Like It Hot, 109
Sunset Boulevard, 94,199, 299,
wild recording, 401–2
Wild Strawberries(Bergman), 409
Williams, Bert, 442
Williams, John, 404, 410, 412,413,
415, 419
Williams, Michelle, 333–36, 334

Willis, Bruce, 304, 309
Willis, Gordon, 239, 242, 475
Will Penny(Gries), 105
Wilson, Ian, 263
Wilson, Thomas F., 14
Winchester ‘73,(Mann), 105
Wind, The(Sjöström), 297
Winslet, Kate, 314
Winston, Irene, 368
Winters, Ralph E., 375
Winters, Shelley, 304, 314, 420
Winter’s Bone, 516
wipes, 372
Wise, Robert, 345
The Day the Earth Stood Still, 98
The Sound of Music, 108
West Side Story, 108
Witherspoon, Reese, 236
With Our King and Queen Through
India, 234
Wizard of Oz, The(Fleming), 108, 132,
133, 145, 235, 394
Wladyka, Faith, 335
Wolf Man, The(Waggner), 99
Woman Under the Influence,
A(Cassavetes), 321
Wonder Boys(Hanson), 305
Wong, Anna May, 314
Woo, John, 201
A Better Tomorrow,469, 469
The Killer,54–56, 54
Wood, Natalie, 40, 327
Wood, Oliver, 272, 272
Woodstock(Wadleigh), 344
Woolf, Virginia, 80, 407
Wöppermann, Katharina, 181
Wordplay(Creadon), 72
World of Apu, The(S. Ray), 200, 401
World of Glory(Andersson), 202
World War I, 194, 268, 499
World War II, 200, 230, 499, 501
Harry Pottermovies and, 23–25, 25
propaganda films in, 73, 73, 455
Wo y z e c k(Herzog), 325n
Wrestler, The(Aronofsky), 83
Wright, Andrew, 405
Wright, Edgar:
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,13, 111
Shawn of the Dead, 102
Wright, Joe, Atonement, 48,54, 145,
Writers Guild of America, The, 147

Wuthering Heights(Wyler), 321
Wyler, William, 60, 203,228, 256,277,
302, 321, 322, 499
The Best Years of Our Lives, 326
Jezebel,306, 306
The Letter, 306, 307
The Little Foxes,256, 306,307,
Wynette, Tammy, 405

Xena: Warrior Princess, 107
X-Men: First Class(Vaughn), 85

Yakin, Boaz, 319
Yang, Edward, 201
Taipei Story, 470
Yankee Doodle Dandy(Curtiz), 108
Yates, David:
Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows: Part I, 25
Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows: Part II, 1, 25,26,
26,134, 514, 516
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
Prince, 25
Harry Potter and the Order of the
Phoenix, 25
Yellow Earth(Chen), 201
Yenej, Yevgeni, 194
Yeoman, Robert D., 277
Yi, Zhenzhou, 209
Yim Ho, 469
The Extras, 469
Yip, Tim, 199
Yo j i m b o(Kurosawa), 465
You, The Living,(Andersson), 42
Young, Freddie, 226–27
Young Adult(Reitman), 188
Young Frankenstein(Brooks), 280, 419
Young Sherlock Holmes(Levinson),
Young Torless(Schlöndorff ), 464
YouTube, 82
You’ve Got Mail(Ephron), 400
Yoyotte, Josèphe, 373–74
Y tu mamá también(Cuarón), 373,
Yu, Dennis, 469

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