An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
supernatural worlds and events that have little or
nothing in common with our actual experiences.
For example, Victor Fleming’s Gone with the Wind
(1939) treats the American South of the Civil War
as a soap opera rather than important history;
Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park (1993) almost
convinces us that the dinosaur amusement park
of the title really exists, just as Andy and Lana

Wachowski’s The Matrix(1999) makes us believe in
an imaginary place below the surface of our every-
day lives where everything is as bad as it possibly
can be; and John Lasseter’s Toy Story(1995), a
feature-length animation, brings us into the world
of children’s toys through a saturation of detail
(when Woody walks on Andy’s bed, for example, we
can even see his foot indentations on the comforter).


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Lumiére/MélièsWhether presenting a scene from
everyday life, as in Louis Lumière’s Employees Leaving the
Lumière Factory(1895) [1], or showing a fantastical scenario,
as in Georges Méliès’s A Trip to the Moon(1902) [2], motion
pictures were recognized from the very beginning for their
ability to create a feeling of being there, of seeing something

that could actually happen. The Lumière brothers favored
what they called actualités——mini-documentaries of scenes
from everyday life; Méliès made movies directly inspired by
his interest in magicians’ illusions. Yet both the Lumières
and Méliès wanted to portray their on-screen worlds

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Verisimilitude and the viewing experience
Verisimilitude plays a large role in the viewers’ relationship
with Let the Right One In(2008, Tomas Alfredson) [1]. The
authenticity of the bleak suburban apartment complex and
its inhabitants brings an urgency to the horror and the
camaraderie the adolescent vampire character inflicts on her

new friends and neighbors. On the other hand, much of the
fun of watching Kick-Ass(2010, Matthew Vaughn) [2] must be
credited to the action extravaganza’s gleeful disregard for
verisimilitude. The characters and performances are larger
than life, the situations are absurd, and the violence is
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