
(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
index. No bibliography, but the notes provide a good discursive guide to the
literature on Glass.

  1. Kostelanetz, Richard. Writing on Glass: Essays, Interviews, Criticism. New
    York: Schirmer, 1997. viii, 368p. ISBN 0-02-864657-6. ML410 .G398 W75.
    A gathering of interviews with Glass and informal essays by 26 contributors
    about his work. The most useful contribution is Paul John Frandsen’s on
    Akhnaten.Other operas discussed: Einstein on the Beach,by David Cunnigham;
    Satharaha,by Allan Kozinn; and The Photographer,by Robert C. Morgan.

  2. Schwarz, K. Robert. Minimalists. London: Phaidon, 1996. 239p. ISBN 0-
    7148-3381-9. ML390 .S3976.
    A study of eight composers, including two chapters on Glass. Genesis and long
    program notes on all the operas are of use. Worklists for the composers but no
    documentation. Expansive index.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804–1857)

  1. Brown, David. Mikhail Glinka: A Biographical and Critical Study.New York:
    Oxford U.P., 1974. 340p. ISBN 0-19-315311-4. ML410 .G56 B87.
    A valuable, well-documented biography and introduction to the music. In-
    cludes extensive genesis and program notes on the operas (Ruslan and Liudmila
    has 50 pages). Worklist, minor bibliography (about 60 titles), name index.

  2. Taruskin, Richard. “Glinka’s Ambiguous Legacy and the Birth Pangs of Russ-
    ian Opera.” 19thCM1-2 (November 1977): 142–162.
    Discusses the critical reception in Russia of Glinka’s works and analyzes them
    in terms of the beginning of a national school of opera. With 70 footnotes, tak-
    ing in the relevant literature.

  3. Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich. Memoirs. Trans. Richard B. Mudge. Norman: U.
    of Oklahoma Press, 1963. 264p. ML410 .G56 A22.
    Glinka traveled widely, studied constantly, and met interesting people. The
    memoirs are given here in a well-documented annotated context, including a
    chronology of the life and performances of his works. No bibliography; index
    of names and titles.

  4. Orlova, Aleksandra Anatol’evna. Glinka’s Life in Music: A Chronicle.Trans.
    Richard Hoops. Russian Music Studies, 20. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research,

  5. xxiv, 823p. ISBN 0-8357-1864-6. ML410 .G55 O74.
    A remarkable day-by-day account of Glinka’s life, with references to all sorts
    of evidence and quotations from primary sources. Includes genesis details and
    reception accounts of the operas. Without bibliography (the notes throughout
    the text may serve); with indexes of persons and works.

See also several essays by Gerald Abraham, in his Studies(#2635) and On Russian
Music (#2636). Readers of Russian will find an elaborate account of Glinka’s music in
v.1 of Izbrannye trudy,by Boris V. Asaf’ev (Moscow: Izd-vo Akademii Nauk SSSR,
1952–1957). A monograph by the same author, on the life and works, is also useful:

174 Opera


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