
(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
V.10, The Modern Age, 1890–1960.“Stage Works, 1890–1918,” by Mar-
tin Cooper; “Music in the Soviet Union,” by Gerald Abraham.
Typically a volume of this set offers clear and dependable introductions to
its topics by recognized authorities. Essays are footnoted and provided with
numerous musical examples. Each volume has a name index, with titles of
compositions listed under composers (a general index to the 10 volumes is pro-
jected). Bibliographies are a weakness: awkwardly arranged, thick with trivia,
and lacking basic facts of publication (such as the publishers of monographs
and pagination of journal articles).
59.Neues Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft. Ed. Carl Dahlhuas. Wiesbaden:
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion; Laaber: Laaber, 1980–1992. 14v.
ISBN 3-89007-030-2. ML160 .N48.
A strong presentation, each volume edited by a different scholar and consisting
of topical chapters by experts. V.6, Die Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts,ed. Carl
Dahlhaus (1980), was translated by J. Bradford Robinson as Nineteenth-
Century Music(Berkeley: U. of California Press, 1989). Contents of the set in
60.Storia della musica.Rev. ed. Turin: EDT, 1991–1993. 12v.
First edition, 1976–1982. Volumes prepared by various authorities. Contents
in Duckles2.35.

  1. Burney, Charles. An Eighteenth-Century Musical Tour in Central Europe and
    the Netherlands; Being Dr. Charles Burney’s Account of His Musical Experi-
    ences. Ed. Percy A. Scholes. London: Oxford U.P., 1959. xiii, 268p. Reprint,
    Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1969. ISBN 0-313-21107-8 (Oxford). ML 195
    Burney, pioneer English historian of music, made two trips to the continent to
    gather materials. In 1770 he visited France and Italy; in 1772 he went to the
    Low Countries and what are now Germany and Austria. The first tour resulted
    in The Present State of Music in France and Italy...(London: T. Becket,
    1771); it is available in a modern edition: Music, Men and Manners in France
    and Italy, 1770.. ., ed. H. Edmund Poole (London: Folio Society, 1969, see
    #2236). The second tour was described in Burney’s The Present State of Music
    in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces(London: T. Becket, 1773;
    2nd ed. 1775). Burney’s perceptive comments on all that he saw and heard
    form important contributions to our knowledge of musical life at the time.
    62.Companion to Baroque Music. Ed. Julie Anne Sadie. London: Dent, 1990.
    xviii, 549p. ISBN 0-02-872275-2. ML193 .C56.
    A very useful compilation of material by Sadie and 12 other scholars, offering
    multiple viewpoints on the music of c. 1600–1750. Most of the book is orga-
    nized around seven regions of Europe, giving histories and capsule biogra-
    phies. Other sections deal with vocal and instrumental practice, forms,
    national styles, ornamentation, and authentic performance. With a 60-page
    chronology, a 150-item bibliography, and a general index.

14 Opera


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