
(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

VII. International Directories

Directories for individual countries are listed in Chapter XVIII. These are guides to
the operatic world: people, companies, theaters, activities. They are current or at least
recent. Some comments on retrospective directories are at the end of the section.

  1. Cowden, Robert H. Opera Companies of the World: Selected Profiles. West-
    port, Conn.: Greenwood, 1992. xxvi, 336p. ISBN 0-313-26220-9. ML12. O63.
    A valuable compilation of facts about 139 companies: histories, directory
    data, and bibliographies. Indexed by personal names, institutions, and cities.

  2. Turnbull, Robert. The Opera Gazetteer. New York: Rizzoli, 1988. 240p. ISBN
    0-8478-0727-4. ML12 .T87.
    Describes about 100 world opera houses, including seating capacity of each,
    and gives practical information for obtaining tickets. Except for Eastern
    Europe, names are in original languages. With photos and a name index.
    140.International Who’s Who in Music and Musicians’ Directory. I. Classical. 15th
    edition. Cambridge, England: International Who’s Who in Music; Detroit:
    Gale, 1996–1997. ISBN 0-900332-51-4 (International); 0-8103-0427-9
    (Gale). ML106 .G7 W4.
    This directory has had various titles and publishers since it started in 1935.
    Beginning with this edition it split into two publications: one for classical and
    light classical musicians and the other for popular musicians. The classical vol-
    ume offers a universal directory of musical institutions, including opera com-
    panies, and of opera singers. Names of organizations are sometimes in their
    own languages, sometimes in English. Many omissions and a huge number of
    misprints detract from the usefulness of the work. No index.
    141.Music Industry Directory.7th ed. Chicago: Marquis Professional Publications,

  3. 678p. ISBN 0-8379-5602-1. ML13 .M505.
    With this edition, a change from the former title: The Musician’s Guide: The
    Directory of the World of Music.Publisher has varied since the first edition of

  4. Lists of U.S. and Canadian agencies, organizations, libraries, periodicals
    (foreign included), music critics, schools, competitions, etc. About 600 opera

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