
(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Marri, Federico, ed. La figura e l’opera di Ranieri de Calzabigi. Atti del Con-
    vegno di Studi, Livorno, 1987.Florence: Olschki, 1989. ix, 232p. ISBN 88-
    2223-6243. ML423 C.25 F5.
    Consists of eight papers, dealing with Calzabigi’s theories, his association with
    Gluck and with other composers, Sémiramis, La festa di Pierre, and Ipermes-
    tra. Footnoted but without bibliography; name and title index.

  2. Lazzeri, Ghino. La vita e l’opera letteraria di Ranieri Calzabigi: Saggio critico
    con appendice di documenti inediti or rari. Città di Castello: Lapi, 1907. 220p.
    ML410 .C3 L3.
    Life and works of Calzabigi, emphasizing his collaboration with Gluck in the
    reform operas. Letters, documents, bibliography.

  3. Michel, Hertha. “Ranieri Calzabigi als Dichter von Musikdramen und als Kri-
    tiker.” Gluck-Jahrbuch4 (1918): 99–171.
    Life and works in detail, with an assessment of Calzabigi’s influence on Gluck.
    For more on Calzabigi, see Robinson in #2462.

  4. Black, John. The Italian Romantic Libretto: A Study of Salvadore Cam-
    marano.Edinburgh: Edinburgh U.P., 1984. ix, 325p. ISBN 0-85224-4630.
    ML429 .C16 B6.
    A detailed biography, followed by an analysis of the writer’s methods and prin-
    ciples and his part in preparing works for production. Chronology of his
    libretti, bibliography, and index.

  5. Da Ponte, Lorenzo. Memorie di Lorenzo Da Ponte da Ceneda scritte da se
    stesso. 2nd ed. New York: 1823–1827. Trans. Elisabeth Abbott. Philadelphia:
    Lippincott, 1929. x, 512p. Reprint, New York: Dover, 1967. ML423 .D15 A22.
    The colorful memoir of author/adventurer Da Ponte, who is best remembered
    as Mozart’s librettist; his recollections embrace that connection, as well as his
    curious final years (1811–1818) in Pennsylvania.

  6. Hodges, Sheila. Lorenzo Da Ponte: The Life and Times of Mozart’s Librettist.
    New York: Universe, 1985. xiv, 274p. ISBN 0-87662-489-7. ML423 .D15 H6.
    A plain account, with many extracts from the Memorie. Weak bibliography
    but strong index.

  7. Goldin, Daniela. “Mozart, Da Ponte, e il linguaggio dell’opera buffa.” In
    Muraro (#2576), 2, 213–277.
    Assigns a high value to Da Ponte’s role in the success of his three Mozart
    operas. In comparison to his sources and to other libretti based on them, he
    created dramatic texts that were ideal for Mozart’s music. Goldin’s analyses of
    these texts are absorbing.

  8. Winton, Calhoun. John Gay and the London Theatre.Lexington: U.P. of Ken-
    tucky, 1993. xvi, 212p. ISBN 0-8131-1832-8. PR3473 .B6 W56.
    Gay wrote the libretto for The Beggar’s Opera(1728), which was popular for
    a century. From many books about him, this one is chosen for its scope,

56 Opera


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