European University Sports Association: 1999-2019 - Inspiring new generations of champions for two decades

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Soon after EUSA’s founding in Vienna,
Austria on November 13, 1999, the very
first General Assembly, chaired by Mr
Stefan Bergh from Sweden, took place. At-
tendees adopted the Statutes and elected
the first board of the Association for the
next two-year period, with Mr Enno Harms
elected as the first EUSA President along-
side nine other board members.

The Assembly then approved the Activity
Plan for the upcoming year and deter-
mined the regulations to establish a
system of classification and nomination
procedure for potential hosts of future
European competitions.

The Assembly also agreed that confer-
ences on different levels where subjects
of European University Sport can be
discussed were to be organised by EUSA,
with the need for working groups to be
established to help organise such events.

EUSA’s 2nd General Assembly was
organised in 2000 in Paris by the French
University Sports Federation and was
chaired by Mr Michel Bonfils from France.
The Assembly approved the Executive
Committee Annual Report and Financial

Statement and agreed on the Activity
Plan and Budget for the following year.
The General Regulations for the European
University Championships based on the
participation of university teams were
approved. EUSA’s Sports Commission
was also founded, composed of Technical
Delegates for the sports on the European
University Championships programme.

Four Executive Committee meetings in
the cities of Frankfurt, Ljubljana, Nicosia
and Paris were held across the year, as
the system for the European University
Championships was established, while the
two hosts for the first Championships the
following year – Aveiro, Portugal and Uzice
and Vrbas, Serbia and Montenegro – were

To improve communication with members
and universities, the Internet-domain was purchased,
a logotype chosen, and a calendar of
International University Sport Events was

In 2001, EUSA members gathered for the
3 rd General Assembly in Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, chaired by Mr Pieter Tilstra.

Zurich, Switzerland was agreed as the
legal seat of the Association before a new
Executive Committee was elected.

The Executive Committee met four times
over the year, with Zakopane, Rome, Faro
and Amsterdam being the host cities.
Among others, the Executive Commit-
tee announced the EUSA Cup as a new
category of event, granted the titles of
EUSA Patronage to various university
sport events in Europe and appointed the
first Technical Delegates for Volleyball
and Basketball.

On December 6, 2002, EUSA’s 4th General
Assembly was organised in Nafplion by
the Greek University Sports Federation.
The Assembly, chaired by Mr Ulf Ohrman


Through organised events across the year including Executive Committee

meetings, General Assemblies and Dialogues, EUSA is able to meet with its

members to discuss and improve the workings within the organisation while

giving members the platform to voice their opinions and express their needs,

helping strengthen good governance at all levels of the association.

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